When was Hill House Built in The Haunting (1999)?
In The Haunting (1963) Dr. Markway claims that Hill House "has stood for 90 years", and that it was built "90 odd, very odd, years" earlier. Acording to IMDB the filming period included 1 Otober 1962.
So the script should have been written with about 1962 as the film's fictional date. Thus in the movie Hill House should have been built sometime during the period of about 1862 to 1872.
The mansion used for exterior shots of HIll House, Ettington Park, was actully built between 1858 and 1862, so its style agrees with the fictional building date.
Thee is a scene where they read an inscription in a book from Hugh Crain to Abigale:
...Hill House 21st Ocotober, 1873.
But that's today No ttmorrow and 90 years later."
So the date off that scene should be 20 October 1963. And Hill House should have been rather new in 1873.
So when was the Hill House in The Haunting (1999) built? What statements are made about its age in the film? share