MovieChat Forums > Mortal Kombat: Conquest (1998) Discussion > I have three questions that i would like...

I have three questions that i would like to be answered.


My first question is i read some of your post and you guys said that noob saibot was in MKA. I have the movie on dvd and dont remember him being in the movie. When was he in the movie??? My second question is when can we expect the dvd's for Mortal Kombat Komquest to come out in America??? Does anyone know the answer to this question??? My third is About the third movie that they is going to be out soon. Anyone have any information on this?? Spoilers,Plot etc???? Thank you for reading and replies would be greatly appreciated.


in MKA, noob saibot appeared near the end, during the final fights. he teamed up with ermac to fight sonya.

as for MKC on dvd - three years ago, the producers said they were trying to get the studio to release the dvd set, but there has been no word since then. with the new mk videogame selling a million copies already, mk is once again a hot property. hopefully this will have an influence on the studio considering releasing the show to dvd, but dont hold your breath.

as for the third movie - the only official word from threshold entertainment is that the title will be Mortal Kombat Devastation. that is the only info about the movie that has been released. anything else you hear is pure speculation.

hope that helps.


thunder god,

First i would like to say thank you. and in reply. That was noob saibot. WHAT A PANSY if you ask me. Didnt realize ermac could multiply a noob saibot or whatever he did. So as far as DVD,s in the us on mortal kombat Conquest we are pretty much screwed. DANG. and as far as the third movie goes lets hope they dont ruin it like they did the first two. Although i did like the first two, the pg-13 rating sucks. Mortal Kombat was established for fighting blood and fatalities. Now Yes we did see a few fatalities in the first two movies they werent the gory and bloody fatalities in the games. Just cheap soft versions of them. Like the No blood super nintendo Version of MK1 lol.Just things i thought i would talk to a fellow mortal kombat fan about. Would have been interesting in the first movie if scorpion and sub-zero wouldnt have been under some stupid spell and before they got killed got to fight a few guys first and perform their fatalities. Which in terms would have been the reason why Johnny cage knew he was fixing to get fried in Scorpions lair.(still dont know how he "KNEW" that) Let me know what you think we should see in the third movie. If not in here you can messege me on Yahoo Messenger.Under this name.I would also like scorpion to have a bigger role than the 5 minute one he had in MKA. Thanks for responding and look for your response to this e-mail.


what would i like to see in MK3? i'm honestly not sure. at this point, i dont even care whats in it, as long as its better than annihilation. it could be based on the story of MK4, MK Deadly Alliance, or MK Deception. it doesnt matter to me. i definately want robin shou to continue playing liu kang. i want authentic martial arts fighting, not the slow-motion wirework thats so popular, im sick of that. that is one thing that MK really did right. they had real martial artists performing stunts on their own abiltity (with just a couple of exceptions). i guess the most important thing to me is that they capture the dark mysterious ambiance they created in the first movie - they totally lost it in annihilation. i also hope they continue using a mixture of techno and heavy metal music - that worked out great in both films. the costumes in the first movie were perfect, most of the ones in the second movie were terrible. the ninjas looked like they were wearing power ranger outfits, and you could see the zipper on the back of sindel's costume. as for the pg13 rating, i could care less. my favorite aspect of MK has always been the story and the characters, and i dont need to see blood and gore to enjoy that. i think they captured the story and characters perfectly in the first movie. if they make part 3 rated r, great. if not, thats great too. anyway, MK1 is my absolute favorite movie of all time, so i will love any sequel (yes, even MKA), no matter how good or bad it may be. so like i said, as long as part 3 is better than annihilation, i'll be happy.

i am in college studying to be a filmmaker. a couple years ago, i got so tired of waiting for MK3, i decided to write a script myself. mk deadly alliance had not come out yet, so the story had to be based on MK4. it picked up right where MKA left off, and was all about shinnok teaming up with quan chi. they use the amulet and its power to escape the netherrealm and start a war with the elder gods. i also incorporated a lot of the mk tv seires into the story as well. anyway, like you i was disappointed with the small part scorpion had in MKA, so i gave him one of the most important roles in my screenplay.

ok, i've rambled on quite a bit. i'll stop here.



Thats awesome that you are going to become a Movie Screen writer. I also liked Mortal kombat 1 the best even though i was still dissapointed in it. I also liked MKA but thought it was very poorly done. I wanted to see MK2 about the second game. I thought it would be neat for Shung to trick all the characters out to outworld to recieve the punishment of Shao Kahn.Instead they skipped to the thrid movie and it really proved to be not worth it. Yea the costumes were very Horrible. I would like to think that Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance would be a great third movie. Of course then that means they would have to kill Lui Kang. And if they do that will we see in the middle of fight technique differences lol. AT one point Scorpion doing Hopkido then all of a sudden he pulls out his Long Sword lol. Or whatever his other fighting style was in that game. I am sure your ideas are better than mine but i think it would be cool if i got to talk to you more and share ideas. If you dont thats cool. Let me know.


alright, i'll fill you in on some of the ideas i came up with for my MK3 script.

the title is Mortal Kombat Liberation.

first of all, in MKA Kahn kills Rain for not killing Kabal and Stryker slowly. we are left not knowing if Rain actually did kill them, or just took them prisoner. in my script, they are still being held in kahn's dungeon. at one point, kitana and sindel are captured and the four of them escape together.

as for scorpion - in the games he keeps switching back and forth from good to evil. i decided to incorporate this. in my script, rayden asks scorpion for his help. he will work as a spy, learning shinnok and quan chi's secrets, and in return, rayden promises to allow scorpion's soul peaceful passage into the afterlife. he also guides the heroes into the netherrealm when they must travel to quan chi's fortress.

one of my favorite ideas was this - shinnok resurrects kung lao (from the tv show MKC), places him under an evil spell, and forces liu kang to fight his ancestor surrounded by an inescapable ring of fire.

in the game, the character Meat had no story, so i came up with one for him. in my script, Meat is one of quan chi's warriors. he was once "whole", but he failed at a task that quan chi had given him. as punishment, he was cursed to never die - no matter how much his body deteriorates, he will always be alive.

i also have a whole sidestory of sonya and jax tracking down jarek and the few remaining black dragon members.

i have a scene where sub-zero returns to the lin kuei, kills the grandmaster and takes over the clan himself. also, the god of earth (from mk mythologies) comes to nightwolf and instructs him to join the heroes' quest in the netherrealm.

i gave every character from the games that were not in the first two movies at least a small cameo appearance. my script had kintaro, sektor, fujin, tremor, sareena, tanya, khameleon, and several others.

this idea came right out of the game - shinnok and quan chi eventually turn on each other. shinnok appears to kill quan chi and send him back to the depths of the netherrealm. the final fight is between rayden and shinnok. rayden wins and kills shinnok. the ending shows quan chi still alive in the netherrealm with the true amulet; he had given shinnok a fake.
this of course leaves it open for another sequel - which i have started coming up with ideas for - quan chi uses the amulet to escape the netherrealm and finds onaga's mummified army. he does not have the power of soul manipulation, so he will then use the amulet to ressurect shang tsung and form the deadly alliance.

some of the fights i have in the script are - liu kang vs. scorpion, jax vs. kintaro, sonya vs. jarek, scorpion and kabal vs. sektor, kitana and sindel vs. kia, jataaka, and sareena, liu kang vs. quan chi, kitana and sindel vs. tanya and reiko, and many others.



Sounds Pretty good to me. I dont know if i like Scorpions part in the game. I would like to see him fullfill his role as hunting the killer of his family Sub-Zero. And if i am correct Quan Chi played a role in that as well. That or in MK4 he let scorpion out of the neatherrealm to kill sub zero or something. I would just like Scorpion to be the assassin he is suppose to be.Getting in a few fights here and there. But i do love your ideas. and the Kung Lao idea is just awesome.Need a person to play some of them LOL let me know. Of course i am sure you will get plenty of good actors. hich makes me think of something else real quick. Why didnt they bring back the Original Johnny Cage from the first movie. I thought he portrayed him very well. Maybe because he read the script and said, "Im in the movie FIVE minutes. No Thank YoU." lol. But i have also been told that CHirstopher Lambert will be coming back to play raiden. Which i think is a great idea.He gives raiden that dark essence about him. Though i must say thae actor played raiden well in MKA he wasnt near as good as Christopher Lambert. All i ask for in next movie, 1.realistic fight scenes(not this bad guy ownes then amazingly the good guy wins crap) 2. Fatalities 3. Better in depth Scorpion Character. Put these three things in there and mortal Kombat on film is redeemed. Let me know what you think thunder_god.


hello every one i just thought i might say that there could be a possibility that mk three doesnt continue the story after mk anhialation. I think that there might be a possibility that mk3 might be the connection of mk conquest and mk the first movie.


Some of these ideas are actually pretty good. I am one of the biggest Mortal Kombat fans around so my expectations are pretty high. I think that this movie has to take a different angle than Anihhalation. To set a mood of a film that is not a popcorn flick the music is very important. there needs to be no rock/techno in this film, not in the opening nor closing credits, not during the fights, not to show time passing. The music needs to feel epic, very epic. This cannot be a typical action movie. The music must be darker this time. It needs to have chants, but only when needed. The music should sound something like that of Lord of the Rings, not "Duel of the Fates"(song from lightsaber battle in SW ep.1). Think of it as an interactive musical score for the film, when the fight picks up the music picks up, when the fight ends the music slows down, but the music is not always going. As for the characters. There needs to be actual character development this time. No loud stereotypical characters(JAX) who spit inane quips at other characters, such as "Mr. Ed is mine". SHame on them. I don't want humor. I can live with Christopher Lambert making a few sarcastic comments, but that's it. The fights have to be different as well from pprevious entries. The fights in Anihalation were filmed like the cameraman was a monkey on crack. I don't want them filmed like HERO either, because the slow motion just isn't Mortal Kombat. This movie needs to be at least 2hr 20min to get adaquete character development. There needs to be memorable scenes as well. I want a scene that is the equivilant of the one in Return of the King where Aaragorn, Legolas,& Gimli are running towars the screen, and the undead are behind them. The props need to look "real" this time. The way Batman Begins turns chicago into a realistic gotham, Mortal KOmbat Devastion needs to turn a volcano site into a living breathing outworld. I want to see Scorpion and Sub-Zero meet up at teh lin kuie fortress after sub-zero kills them all. scorpion wants to talk but sub-zero attacks him(because scorpion killed his family). they fight but no one dies. As they wear each other out scorpion explains to sub zero that quan chi put him under a spell to kill sub-zero's family. Scorpion joins subzero who joins lui,sonya,jhonny cage(who is brought back by raiden),and raiden. The elder gods can do nothing because shinnok has blocked them out somehow, all except raiden, who was an elder god, but had to come to earth to portect it. I want to see a ressuection of shao kahn , shinnok all team up with quan chi and have an army this time. Every evil character could be brought in(excluding black dragon members). Jarek will be the only black dragon member in the movie. he will be a spy for outworld, and plans to get even with sonya (JAX should be killed somewhere early in the film). I will post again with more ideas.
