Conquest: the game??

If they ever made a game based on the series, it should just be a normal fighter unlike the shaolin monks game. the characters:

Kung Lao
Shang Tsung
Quan Chi
Sub Zero

Hidden characters could be:
Noob Saibot
Siann, Mika and Sora (Quan Chi's undead assasins)
All can be accessed by winning the different levels Eg. Novice, Advanced etc.

One player mode should be the same with the player working up the board until shao kahn at the end. Third from the end should be the player against Quan Chi's three undead girls, then Shang Tsung, then Shao kahn. There should be of course different endings for each character. For example if kung lao wins then Earth realm can be saved or whatever, if vorpax wins her female army takes over all realms, Jola wins, the black dragon destroy the universe yada yada. etc.
Of course every different character has their own weapons and moves, fatalities etc.

Levels could be:
Outside the trading post.
The courtyard inside the trading post.
The temple.
Quan Chi's lair
The forest
Shao Kahn's lair
Noob Saibot's oily prison
Reptile's Lair
and so on.....

Put down more ideas if you think this sounds awesome.

"i am serious, and don't call me shirley"


First off you need to do some story re-arranging....scorpion cant be in the game...he doesn't exist for technically a few more generations...that is if you wanted to follow the story line and have it make sense for the games....

however you could take takeada and put him where he belongs the founder of the shinri ryu which rivals the lin kiue and make him a standard ninja character with a spring loaded harpoon and perhaps control of some fire techniques..he would basically be a slightly dumbed down scorpion...where the messed up was making scorpion an acutally soul that was trapped in the mines...instead of taking him for what he is...a ninja named hanzo that died in combat angainst sub-zero the 5th and decieved into belieing that Sub killed his clan and his family...thats where scorp got all his cool techniques that we come to know and love...if you want more info go to the devasation page on this site and checkout the guides that thundergod put together for the characters...those are about as accurate as you can get!

Other then that..i'm always up for more mortal...


MAN THAT WOULD BE ONE OF THE COOLEST MORTAL KOMBATS EVER! Would Scorpion's 'Get Over Here' be wi th the snake creature or with a rope? What weapons would they use if there is weapon Kombat? Oh would Sub-Zero have that instant shatter freeze.


the game would be good but no weapons i found that the weapon's made the game a bit dull now differnt fighting techniquic's was awesome i think they should make it like mortal kombat shaolin monk's but not in the respect that you should walk to every battle but you fight like you would being able to take on two enemys at once for example but like traditional mortal kombat style you beat one level you go to the next


and if you add Kiri and Ankha to playablle characters

=DeaTh is F*^KinG CoMPLicaTeD=
