All 22 Episodes on DVD

I bought all 22 episodes on 4 dvds from

Check it out...only $30..


I also just got mine from secret defender.

The quality is that of a VHS dub but it is the complete series and he is really good about customer service. Until/unless it comes out in America, this is your best bet.

(I was going to bump the original topic that led me to his site but I can't find it.)


Do u guys have multi region dvd players? If someone from Australia is selling their dvd on ebay you can buy it from there. I'm still clueless to why we got the series on dvd here in Australia before America did, but still if you want good quality you can always buy the dvd that way.

"i am serious, and don't call me shirley"


Another option is that an Ebay user Rammstein710 was selling copies that he made himself which are playable on an NTSC player.

The clarity was far and away superior to the Secret Defender DVDs. If he sells those copies again, you would be well advised to jump at the chance to buy them.


i got all 22 episodes, spread across 6 dvd discs in 2 volumes, from this australian ebay shop - - as far as i know australia is the onyl country so far to have all 22 episodes officially released, region 4 obviously. the picture quality is very good aswell - miles better than that 'out of context' boxset that us europeans got.
