MovieChat Forums > Mortal Kombat: Conquest (1998) Discussion > is Kung Lao Lu Kang's ancestor?

is Kung Lao Lu Kang's ancestor?




"i am serious, and don't call me shirley"


Movie wise, yes. Actual video game story, no!


actually, video game yes. there are two kung lao's, the one in Conquest is his ancestor and the one in current times isnt..because well...he is alive at the same time.


Really? Because Kung Lao's bio in the games state that he is a descendant of another Kung Lao. Liu Kang and the current Kung Lao are shaolin monks of the White Lotus Society. Brothers by affilation but not related by blood. True that the video games there are two Kung Laos, but Liu Kang is not the descendant of the mighty and former champion of Mortal Kombat, Kung Lao.


actually, they both are ancestors of the great kung lao. just because they arent blood brothers doesnt mean they arent related to the great one. in fact, it makes perfect sense. i've followed mk since 1992 and know everything there is to know. its been around 500 years since the old kung lao was defeated by goro, and obviously there have been many offsprings within the temple of light. think of a family tree i guess. kung lao is maybe more-so connected in that the great kung lao is his great great great grandpa or blah blah, but lui is also connected and is an ancestor. and if you want "proof" (its wikipedia...) go here...

second sentence.
