Just started watching it, on episode 14, link to site with all episodes
I'm a die hard MK fan and I found this website that has every single episode you can watch on your PC that I started watching them from:
It's not 100% quality, but I still enjoy watching it. Some of the acting is bad, but the main characters (Kung Lao, Taja, Siro, Shao Khan) are really good! The lamest acting I have seen so far was mileena, one of my favorite characters too (not the hot Kitana transformed Mileena, the ugly Mileena). Of course, the SFX isn't fantastic, but they are better than some other shows I have seen.
For the good points, the fight scenes are very good for the most part. Only a few things I have caught that I wasn't crazy about so far and some spots that looked very fake, and this is coming from a black belt martial artist!
This show ties alot of knots for the movies and makes more sense of things. Has anyone else recently started watching it? Also, does anyone know if there are any good torrents for the full quality episodes? They don't sell any DVD of season 1 in the US and I would like to enjoy them full quality if possible instead of off the website I gave above!