
Was Mileena ever in the show? If so, was she portrayed as just a clone of Kitana or as an actual member of Baraka's race? What happened to her in the episode?

I have always been upset at her poor appearance in MK:A, as well as the fact that she never appeared in Mortal Kombat: The Animated Series.


Yes, Mileena was on the show, in the episode titled "Shadow Of A Doubt."
And yes, she was a member of Baraka's race, the Tarkatans. the episode was about how she became a clone of Kitana.

now here is what happened -
Shao Kahn sent Rain to kill Kung Lao. He failed, but succeeded in wounding Kung Lao with a lightning blast. He ran off into the woods and was being hunted by Siro for the rest of the episode. In the meantime Kahn sent Kitana on a mission to Zaterra (Reptile's homeworld) so she would not be aware of his plan - to transform Mileena into a clone of her. Kahn's shadow priests use magic to make Mileena look like Kitana. Kahn then sends her to finish Kung Lao, who is bedridden. Posing as Kitana, Mileena is welcomed into the trading post by Siro, Taja, and Kung Lao. She offers to help heal Kung Lao with some magic potions. The potions are actually poisons, and are slowly making Kung Lao worse. Mileena stops her attacks when Kung Lao tells her she is beautiful. Having felt ugly her whole life, she lets Kung Lao live and has sex with him several times, all the while he still thinks its Kitana. Meanwhile, Siro has caught up with Rain. During their fight, the real Kitana arrives. Siro wonders how she could be in two places at once, and they soon realize the other is an imposter. Kahn is angry with Mileena that she has not completed her task. He orders her to kill Kung Lao immedieately or he will kill her. Just as she is about to stab Kung Lao with her sais, Kitana arrives and stops her. They fight. Kitana wins the fight and the two of them are summoned to Kahn's throne room. Kahn is furious at Kitana for going to Earth without his permission, but even more furious at Mileena for failing. He takes the top half of her disguise away, leaving only the horribly ugly mouth and teeth. As punishment, he left part of her beautiful and the other part ugly, and forces her to wear her pink mask for all time. Rayden then comes to Kung Lao and warns him to be more careful, and that not everything is as it seems.

Just in case you're interested Mileena was portrayed by Meg Brown (as a Tarkatan) and as Audie England as the clone (Audie England also played Kitana).

"Wise man say, forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza."


Thank you.

Wish I had seen the episode, sounds much better than the cameo in MK:A.



I've always been curious about her back story. I have actually liked Mileena better then Kitana.

A man can change his stars


and they changed real kitana to another one and they look the same for mileena . Remember The First Kitana : appeared 45 sec in the video

she done a lot episode as kitana and mileena : Audie England

2 episode Mileena

1 episode kitana Dara Tomanovich

"Get out of the water if you don't wanna get bit!! Because Angel has come to hunt her prey
