XMA in Conquest

There is in Conquest, alot of XMA (Xtreme Martial Arts) type moves going on. It is full of flash for sure but, I always thought of MK having more of the traditional elements of the Martial Arts, especially when it comes to particular characters.

For instance Kung Lao is supposed to be a Shaolin Monk right? He should have had more of a traditional focus, somewhat on self-defense and authenticity of techniques of Shaolin styles. For the "Great Kung Lao", he wasn't that great, IMO.

It does seem most US productions that involve any Martial Arts films and shows, will employ those who fall under the XMA umbrella. These guys and girls are extremely talented yes, great stunt people, but I always see that same spinning kick everywhere now. XMA performances, a whole lot of movies and of course MK Conquest.

From the XMA Website - XMA HQ
http://xmahq.com/newsite2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&a mp;id=12&Itemid=132

XMA (Xtreme Martial Arts) signifies the transition of martial arts from the traditional towards the contemporary. Having evolved from an ancient form of self-defense, the modern martial arts movement is now more sport and entertainment, while still remaining true to the time-honored principles of Honor, Discipline, Integrity and Respect. XMA is a fusion of all martial arts styles blended together with performance arts, high-flying acrobatic maneuvers and the hottest Hong Kong, chop-saki style action! However, XMA cannot exist without, and is only an extension of traditional martial arts. It is designed to enhance the traditional with more speed, power, presentation and performance value. At the basic levels, Xtreme Martial Arts is used as a tool to develop Life and Leadership Skills. At the high end, students can reach elite levels and compete on the international stage and go head to head with Hollywood’s best!

XMA is now the standard and is dominating pop culture conversation driven from the top down through Hollywood films, television and video games.

Sure, I can admit is is entertaining and can exist as an extension of the Traditional, has high performance value, especially in film. But I just don't want to see more traditional styles disappearing from movies and the like completely. I also understand Film Fighting is Film Fighting and different from Real Fighting.

Do any you think XMA is taking over Martial Arts in film (Hollywood). Maybe to a degree in which that is all we will be seeing. Also what are you guys thoughts on XMA in general. love it, Hate it?

I like it, it has it's place, I just don't want it to completely replace what once was.

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You do know that those moves werent created in the 90's or anything right? WAYYYYY back in the old days before cameras people did "XMA", there were techniques, stuff people just did for fun, etc...

XMA existed in the old "traditional" shaolin styles, mixed martial arts was not something created by Ultimate Fighting, this stuff has existed for a LONG time.
