MovieChat Forums > Tigerland (2001) Discussion > Joel Schumacher usually sucks

Joel Schumacher usually sucks

Why is this film so good?

Joel Schumacher is a hack piece of sh*t filmmaker.

His films are mediocre and stupid at best.

TIGERLAND is a subtle masterpiece though.

It is existential and sublime and affected me profoundly.

I wish more films by suckass mainstream directors were this good.


Although not put in the most eloquent manner, I agree with you.

Joel Schumacher's film's i generally do not like AT ALL. But I love this particular gem.


Did you think I was attempting eloquence?

It was just a comment,not a poem.


Yep but try 'falling down'.


Falling Down and Tigerland are by far his best.

"Don't believe everything you hear on the radio." - Charles Foster Kane


Don't judge him just because you heard "Batman And Robin" was bad. Schumascher's films are very good. "The Lost Boys". "Falling Down". "A Time To Kill". "Flatliners"

I'm so sick of people beating him up becasue of on film the studio ruined.


No, actually, he did ruin it.

"If I were a dog and you were a flower, I'd lift up my leg and give you a shower"



Two words:

Matthew Libatique

He was the film's cinematographer. Toss in some actors and shake...


phonebooth is pretty good, and I also enjoyed both 8mm and a time to kill


I agree with you 100%.

In fact, I'd have used your exact words.

I'm sorry to see that some of the housewives here were rattled by your blue language.

Flatliners and Lost Boys were purified garbage. I think those films propelled his career, so more of that crap was expected of him.

Before this---which I only saw ten years later in 2010---I'd never seen any Schumacher films that I'd say anything good about.

I taped this only because Colin Ferrell was in it (he was very good in Hart's War, so I figured he knew how to play a war story), and I think I missed the Schumacher name in my TV tape, and after watching it for 30-40 minutes, I was wondering if this was directed by Ridley Scott, or by Tony Scott or someone else trying to look like Ridley Scott. The directorial style here is totally Ridley Scott through and through and through. That said, most of Ridley Scott's films bite ass and don't have 1/10th the acting or dialog Tigerland has, and tend to lean on props, explosions, and fancy locations.

I hear people saying that Falling Down and Tigerland are Joel Schumacher's best films. While I don't disagree, that's kind of like letting Britney Spears horn in on a small part in a film production that will end up being a good film, then saying that it is "the best Britney Spears film, do you agree?", well yes, because there aren't any others that even amount to good film on any level!

Tigerland is 10x the film that Falling Down was, and I suspect it was made for a hell of a lot less money, at least adjusted for time and compared to other film budgets the year it was made.

Falling Down was a stupid story completely without context. This guy goes from zero to sixty and totally postal in the first few seconds of the film, for no apparent reason at all. Nothing builds up, it is just two hours of a guy going nuts. It is based on a totally fraudulent premise, that this guy can't accept that his wife left him and took their child, and he is trying to get back together with them, and is in a totally delusional state. Well, the writers were in a totally delusional state, because that man never would have gotten one date with that woman, much less gotten her to mother children for him. You can't buy this story on any level. The only way this bogus premise could have worked at all is if she were a co-worker and this whole relationship, marriage, and child was in his head, and he was just a stalker with a restraining order placed by a woman who had never spoken to him.

Tigerland is a really great film. It isn't one bit more believable than Falling Down, but it makes its own environment and thrives there.
