People in the military- do you hate it?
In my country, every single male will be drafted for 2 years of compulsory military service. Although training is not as though as Tigerland depicts it as (in the sense that they don't physically hit you and everything is more toned down), I found it to be somewhat similar to what I went through in my basic training. The shouting was there, the tension between conflicting personalities was there, the psychopaths were there (though not as serious), and most importantly, it is filled with people who hate the army and want to get out.
There are many true stories of people taking metal pipes and smashing their legs, or putting their trigger finger in the chamber and sending the bolt forward, or stripping and dancing naked in front of the OC, just to get out of it. The truth is, almost nobody wants to be there and most people are anti-military. There plenty of people who are similar to Bozz, who knows every part of the military law and can find a loophole to get out, or at least become a non-combat clerk.
The irony is, we have no war to fight, and the risk of dying is almost zilch (besides the occasional guy blown up by faulty ammo or crushed by a tank). The truth is, the military is almost never like how hollywood depicts it as. There is no joy in going for a forced march, or crawling the mud, especially if you do not believe in what they tell you to believe in (country, honour, freedom?). As a peacetime soldier in a peaceful country, I don't exactly hate the army to Bozz's extent, but many people do. My question to people in the military, especially those in the US Military who are fighting a war, is do you actually like serving in the military, with all the heroic facades removed? And for those in actual combat, do you fear for your life and want out?