MovieChat Forums > Inside the Actors Studio (1994) Discussion > Matt Damon's favorite/least favorite wor...

Matt Damon's favorite/least favorite words

Even before they got to the favorite curse word question, Matt Damon answered the favorite word and least favorite word questions with curse words. Since it was bleeped, I didn't understand either answer. Can anyone tell me?


both times it was *beep* said it was both his favortie, and least favorite.


still didn't get it. You got bleeped, Isabelevans926. I understand you can't type curse words on IMDB, but maybe a rhyming word? I must know. I just must! hee hee


i wondered about this too. i assumed it was a curse word referring to female genitalia that rhymes with hunt. that is the only word i could discern from the way his mouth was shaped. i am not 100% sure about that.

Supersize Me


Wow! I'd be really disappointed if it's that word. The part about it being his favorite at least. That's the most vile, disgusting, demeaning word that makes me cringe.


yea it was definately that dreaded c word.


ewwwww!!! Although in New England...

He was right on when he said that in Boston everyone uses the F word literally to simply connect thoughts. It's THAT bad.

My in-laws are from there. I asked my brother-in-law to please try not to swear around my quite impressionable daughter so much. He could not seem to bring himself to do it. F bomb all over the place, over and over. I didn't know if he was just being inconsiderate or it's just that ingrained?!?!?


Oh get a life it's just a word.

'mirrorS arE morE fuN thaN televisioN
- The Pink Flamingo - Address Unknown


r u referring to me to 'get a life'? Yeah! It's just a word. And when it comes out of my 5 year old daughter's mouth, I'll try to remember what you said about 'it's just a word'.

There are very few swear words that bother me, but that (and maybe one other) make me cringe (whether there's children around or not).


get a life


Is the favorite curse word usually bleeped?


lol get your head out of your ass


