Julie Kavner Disappearance

Youtube has taken down PARTS of the simpsons episode of INSIDE, so there might be a logical explanation that I just can't watch, but why is it that Julie Kavner is missing from her chair through some of the episode?

"Now you go get me a beer and a woman. I'll give that waterbed a workout!"



I actually wondered the same thing, this was the 1st Episode I ever saw & thought it was absolutely brilliant especially seeing Harry Shearer do Burns then Smithers at the same time & Hank Azaria doing Apu was fab. But then I was like eh??? Where did Marge go??

You know me, I'm not one to gossip but you'll never guess what I heard...


Trivia says that she won't do Marge on camera. Not even in the studio.


I talked to Marcia Wallace and she hinted that Julie is a very strange person who is full of eccentric demands.



The show was advised that she was only going to do part of the show and would not do Marge on camera. I don't know why people think that's strange. The fun at one time was not knowing who was doing a cartoon voice. Even the famous voice actors stayed out of the limelight. Now celebrities practically take out a full page ad in Variety when they land a role in a big budget animated feature or get a spot on 'The Simpsons' or 'Family 'Guy'. At one time 'The Simpsons' would tell who the guest voice was. Of course now most of them play themselves. The mystery allowed you to enjoy it more.

"Where were you born? At home. I wanted to be near my mother."


According to the Simpsons DVD commentary for The Sweetest Apu from season 13, Julie had to catch a ferry and was only available for half the show.


Harry Shearer was asked this question during a recent TV interview. He said Julie had a train to catch, and that she couldn't stay for the whole taping, which ended up running over 5 hours long.
