crazy pretentious full of kissing-up
okey i like this show when it comes to hearing the actors give their opinions etc,getting to know them somewhat more than in the usual letterman 3minute interview.
MY GOD is this a a$$kissing show?
Lipton is the biggest asskisser in history.
the audience applauding to the point of hilarity.
"the craft"
"the process"
almost like acting is something sacred.
like they are true heroes.
overpaid millionaires who act 10 minutes a day.
that is a big insult to everyone of us that has to work 8-9 hours a day for not very much money.
as i said.i like the show,and i think it is fun to watch. god...that is some asskissing right there.
Lipton is fun but boy does he kiss up.