One Thing That Really Annoys Me About This Show.....
I've never attended a live taping of one of these episodes (and I've heard that the actual in-person interview is longer than what we see on TV). What I find striking (especially after watching the Matt Damon repeat last night) is how the Bravo show pretty much never airs footage of the actor talking about the early days of trying to obtain representation and bad early auditions. Lipton will question the actor about 'early jobs' and skim the surface about early struggles by bringing up crappy living conditions, etc. But almost no time is dedicated on the Bravo show for some really important details. (Did you go through several agents and managers? Were you ever dropped by representation? Have you had bad experiences with casting directors? Directors? Fellow actors?)
For example last night we were told that Damon started to obtain TV and film roles while at Harvard. How exactly? Did he obtain representation pre-Harvard? During? How did he juggle going to school in Cambridge and auditioning (potentially) in Manhattan and LA?
This happens alot on this show. I realize that there are time restraints as to how much ground can be covered during a one hour program, but man do I find it annoying and frustrating.