I miss this show!

Is it because I'm older or has Disney lost an edge it had when I was young?


They used to be cool. Whoever decided to hire the execs who chose to totally ditch dramas and dramedies in favor of single-cam comedies should roast.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


I used to love watching this show. Disney has indeed lost a certain edge these days over the older content. Strictly my opinion though, because my kids love all the new stuff.


Yeah I used to watch this show all the time and i miss it I dont think Disney has gotten the edge back after this one left.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


No, they never did. I enjoyed Mozzie and Raven but they went down the to list after that. Too soft, light and dumb. The characters became too annoying and the colors they use hurts my eyes.


I miss this show and the others that aired in the three or four years before and after this aired.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


I say it's because Disney lost its edge a long time ago. For me, the 'Golden Age' ended with the death of Zoog Disney around 2003, and it was just barely watchable for another two or so years.

It's so painful to see what's on now, and how good things used to be over 16 years ago. I don't know why Disney refuses to release the series, but will swiftly take down episodes online. In my eyes, if they brought the show back for Disney Rewind, it would regain a lot of momentum and interest; both in longtime fans of the show and those who don't remember it or never got to see it during it's syndication.

Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing. -- Orson Welles
