As much as I do love this-- speaking of the sillinesses you have to put out of your mind to BUY into this ( aliens can travel across space but they can't open locked doors or windows -- and you can shoot them with hunting rifles ) -- I just watched the last few seconds again to giggle. If they are intending to kidnap these people ( why God only knows.. I LOVED the characters but they didn't seem super valuable as specimens LOL) -- why wait the whole hour? And my colossal point about the ending-- aren't they powerful aliens-- why do they ( tween girls in elementary school play level costumes) have to tiptoe inside to the table like " Psst.. hey !! we've come to get you now!.. Getcher shoes on, pack a a bag if you want.. we're going to Saturn now Granny, the other fellers are already in the ship ..." -- it's just SO SO SO datedly silly. Still adore this movie for many many reasons however !!