'Alien Abduction - Incident at Lake County'...differenc es?
If you do a search on IMDB for 'the McPherson Tape' you get this page and also a page for 'Alien Abduction - Incident at Lake County aka Alien Abduction - The McPherson Tape'. Does anyone know if these are two separate films? I think the one I saw was the 'Alien Abduction...' one because I recognised the actors listed on its page...so therefore, what is THIS film? Has it ever been shown on tv and what is the difference between this and the other one mentioned above? Any info would be appreciated because I really did enjoy the 'Alien Abduction...' version of the film but it was very staged and very cheesy in places and if there is a 'better' version of this film then I would be intrigued to see it.