
Does anyone know how or where to get the background music for this show?


Yes there were 2 CD’s released in Japan which contain Music from the original Japanese version. As you probably already know, when Pokemon was originally released in America, most of the original music was used, while some of the music was added/ replaced. Unfortunately, replaced music became more commonplace and by 2002 or so, a bulk of the music used in the American version was edited synthesesd “music”/

Anyway, here are the two CD’s that were released
Pocket Monster Sound Anime Collection
Genki!! Ippa!!: Pokémon Music Collection [IMPORT]

Undortuneately, there are many great pieces that have yet to be released, however…

I’ve also noticed that any music from a Pokemon movie is also fair game to be music used within the series, so be sure to look for the soundtrack CD’s. Just bear in mind that movies 1-3 had a different (while both fully orchestrated) score in Japan than in America.

The music is composed by Shinji Miyazaki and Hirokazu Tanaka (in the earlier years)

Hope this helps!



Here's a great website I found that has all sorts of anime, movie, and game soundtracks that you can listen to for free. It's call Galbadia Hotel. The URL is Look under MP3s and then browse the P category.

Your movie today is "Track of the Moonbeast." It stars no one and features nothing.
