OT: Pokemon Battle Revolution BLOWING OFF STEAM
Okay, so for the most part this game is good, it's not like the greatest game ever made or anything, but it's alright. Unless it's stacking things in it's favor to intentionally defeat you. Anyone who has played one of the console versions of Pokemon knows what I'm talking about.
An enemy Pokemon that has no way of winning will magically gain the ability to make every tackle a game winning CRITICAL HIT even though you had full health. A Magikarp uses it's ditch move "Thrash" and wipes out a Mewtwo magically just because the game is giving itself unfair odds. Well, POKEMON BATTLE REVOLUTION is no different.
Case in point: NEON COLLUSEUM. If anyone has played this game I'm sure they've all given infuriated sighs of agreement. In this colluseum, your team, and the opponants team are both stuck mixed up onto a roulette wheel. Then by the luck of the roll [it's not exactly luck, we'll get to this] both duelers choose four at random. This means you switch up your Pokemon for the fight. Now, in theory this is a pretty cool idea and it really mixes it up... Then you remember... That's right, the computer player you're going against... Is the same computer that chooses who gets which Pokemon.
Don't EVER enter this Colluseum with your own Pokemon first off. 9 times out of 10, the magic roulette wheel will give the computer player your strongest FASTEST creatures, and mysteriously you will pull the weakest creatures out of the bunch. For example, say you have a Floatzel on your team, and there are three fire types on your team. You want that Floatzel for your team so you can stay safe... Nope. The computer has taken your Floatzel and for good measure it's also taken your electric and grass types just in case you needed them to defeat it. Wow, I wonder who the hell is going to win THIS match.
This also happens with Rental teams as well, mysteriously no matter HOW long you wait or how you time your spin, the computer will mystically get a completely balanced team and your team will end up as all one type [as all the matches pit you against someone with an unbalanced team]. Ever had to fight your Infernape using a team of grass types that only know normal type moves?! Such is the useless and infuriating method of the computer controlled roulette wheel... I'm just blowing off steam but still. It's infuriating.