The episode Jesse got Wobuffet
I noticed before the guy offered to trde it for a Sentret, and sentret's owner efused. Why? It sounded sort of like the pube fair in south park, $5 a hair for pubes. She had the chance to trade her Sentret, a basic pokemon, less that L15 if it wasn't held back, easily caught, (in gold and silver it is) For Wobuffet, which is more rare, harder to catch, and has a strong counter attack, well, in the game, when I caught a L25 Wobuffet, I was using a L53 Scizor with false swipe, it used counter and made Scizor faint.
I'm not a huge Wobuffet fan, in the game, I rarely use it, but Wobuffet is usually a lot better than Sentret.
Was he that desperate to get rid of it? Stantler, well ok, not very rare but can be strong. But offering it for a sentret is like starting a pube fair, (paying $5 a hair, sounding like someone desperate to throw away money.) Throwing away a rare pokemon for a basic one
Jesse's Trade seemed ok, Licitoungue is ok, about equal with Wobuffet.