MovieChat Forums > Poketto monsutâ (1998) Discussion > 'Pokémon Personifications'

'Pokémon Personifications'

Here's something that a friend and I used to do several years ago when Pokémon was still gaining in popularity: We used to try and match up a character from an anime with the Pokémon they mostly likely resembled in either looks, personality, or symbolism. Think of it kind of in "Fruit Baskets" terms: If you hugged the character (gender aside) what would be the most likely Pokémon equivalent they would turn in to? I jokingly said that Quatre (a character from "Gundam Wing") would turn into a Pidgey, because he's hesitant to fight and is peaceful. Plus Pidgeys are often used like messanger pidgeons (which were used a lot in the WW), and Quatre is a good communicator. Anyway, that is just one of over 180 "Pokémon personifications" that we came up with spanning several anime, however judging them was just between the two of us: I've always been interested to see what others thought certain characters might be Pokémon personified as, sort of as a fun experiment.

"Escalators can never break, they can just become stairs."- Mitch Hedberg
