MovieChat Forums > Poketto monsutâ (1998) Discussion > Does anyone know where I can watch the j...

Does anyone know where I can watch the japanese versions?

This is the one anime I've seen that I can never find the origional audio for, even youtube has turned up blank. Does anyone know where I can find them, or at least an episode? I just want to know what the characters sound like, I'm weird like that lol

Yes I've seen 'House of the Dead' - Best Comedy of all time.


[deleted] (qv)
Start here with part 1 of the Porygon episode and work your way from there to the other parts.

Part 1 of the swimsuit episode (sorry I don't know how to make these clickable)



If you have patience and a bittorrent client downloader, is where I find my anime. I think it's down right now, but it should be up soon. It has loads of other shows too, nearly all of them still have japanese audio and are fan-subbed.



she leads me through moonlight only to burn me with the sun...


My question is similar. I want to know where I can buy the banned episodes on VCD or DVD. I must have the English audio version. Thanks to anyone who can help.


THX1701, you won't find the banned episodes in English because they were never dubbed in English in the first place. I don't think any English-speaking country has dubbed or broadcast them.


Actually, many of the banned episodes were dubbed in english (and other languages I would assume) but the only one that really ever saw the light of day (in english USA anyway) was Holiday at Alco-Poco (or however u spell it) it aired once or twice, and was never seen again. Since it aired, i'm sure someone out there recorded a copy, and has by now made and sold dozens of copies.

The same goes for a few episodes that were aired early on in the english versions life span before becoming banned (like the ones with Jynx, and Tower of Terror.) They aired at least once, so someone must have copies.

"Stupid Banana-Raincoat-Wearin' B****."


