Continuity Error?
Remember when Ash first got Pikachu? It was because the 3 starter Pokemon (Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle) were already taken.
Also, remember that Ash was the forth to leave Pallet Town?
That means that Prof. Oak supposedly had 4 Pokemon (the starters and Pikachu).
So that means that Gary and the first two Pokemon trainers got to the 3 starters first.
But it was later revealed that Gary's starter was Eevee.
Now, that means that Oak had FIVE Pokemon at the beginning. If Gary had Eevee, two trainers had two of the 3 starters, then Oak still had Pikachu AND the third starter. But when Ash (the 4th trainer) gets there, Gary had just got his starter (Eevee), thus making Gary the 3rd trainer.
So what ever happened to that 3rd starter? In theory, it should have still been at Prof. Oak's. But why isn't it?
Possible theories:
1) There was a 5th trainer who got their Pokemon the day before, but left after Ash
2) Gary was mistaken and there were 4 trainers who left before Ash
3) This is a genuine slip-up made by those jokers at 4-Kids
Any thoughts?