Continuity Error?

Remember when Ash first got Pikachu? It was because the 3 starter Pokemon (Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle) were already taken.

Also, remember that Ash was the forth to leave Pallet Town?

That means that Prof. Oak supposedly had 4 Pokemon (the starters and Pikachu).

So that means that Gary and the first two Pokemon trainers got to the 3 starters first.

But it was later revealed that Gary's starter was Eevee.

Now, that means that Oak had FIVE Pokemon at the beginning. If Gary had Eevee, two trainers had two of the 3 starters, then Oak still had Pikachu AND the third starter. But when Ash (the 4th trainer) gets there, Gary had just got his starter (Eevee), thus making Gary the 3rd trainer.

So what ever happened to that 3rd starter? In theory, it should have still been at Prof. Oak's. But why isn't it?

Possible theories:

1) There was a 5th trainer who got their Pokemon the day before, but left after Ash
2) Gary was mistaken and there were 4 trainers who left before Ash
3) This is a genuine slip-up made by those jokers at 4-Kids

Any thoughts?


Gary Started with Squirtal He got eeevee later.


Oh, cuz I stopped watching after Johto, but before Hoenn.

When did he reveal that Squirtle was his starter? And why did he make a big deal in the first episode, making it seem as though he had a really boss Pokemon?


Sometime during the Johto arc, it was revealed he had a Blastoise, so it's obvious he chose Squirtle

"An animal? Ha ha.. That's the stupidest... Yeah.. It's probably just an animal." - The Evil Dead


No, Gary's starter was Eevee. He also caught Sandshrew as his first when they left Pallet Town, this is stated near the end of Season 1. Gary got his Squirtle from Battle Trading. He told Ash that when he challenges trainers and they lose he takes whichever Pokemon he wants as his prize. It's why the battle between Pikachu and Eevee had such high stakes when he returned to Pallet Town.

It's never revealed who got the three starters, though the Bug Samurai in the Veridian Forest stated Ash was the fourth trainer to pass through, prompting Ash to say "Gary was here already...", but during the battle sequence only a battle with Charmander and Bulbasaur are shown. Also remember the show back then was written from week to week, so a lot of stuff didn't really stay continuous. Such as the G/S ball storyline, and so forth. It was just filler to keep the series going until the next games came out.


Gary picked squirtle, they gave him an evee in the later seasons just for the hell of it.


Yea, I thought he picked squirtle too. Did they even really show his eevee until it was an umbreon in Johto? I dont remember. But I thought he even anounced that he started with Squirtle inJohto at one point. I havent seen the show in years so i probably forget haha


Gary started with Squirtle.

However, rumors DID fly about it being Eevee since the end of Orange Islands when we saw him use one, mostly because that's his starter in Yellow which is based on the show. And later in the Umbreon episode there was a flashback of him training his Eevee (though not necessarily confirming it as a starter). People presumed it to be Eevee until the very end of Johto when Ash faced Gary 6 on 6 and he used a Blastoise, then I think it was officially confirmed that he started with Squirtle.
