That stupid GS Ball

It's been five years since I watched the show, but just recently I stumbled across some on the internet, watched an episode, and then realized something: what the hell was up with that damn GS Ball? These particular boards are not frequented very much, but if someone could just answer this *beep* question, I'd appreciate it. That's why I stopped watching the show. The GS ball. They carried it around for the whole second season and it ends with them not figuring it out! AHH!

Nyahnyahnyahnyah nyah nyah! I made you eat your parents! Nyahnyahnyahnyah nyah nyah!



Nyahnyahnyahnyah nyah nyah! I made you eat your parents! Nyahnyahnyahnyah nyah nyah!



In the television series, Ash obtains the GS Ball from a Pokémon researcher, Professor Ivy in the Orange Islands. He is instructed to deliver the ball to his hometown's own researcher, Professor Oak. The GS Ball is a great puzzle. It cannot be opened or teleported and no-one can tell whether it has a Pokémon inside. After Professor Oak is in turn unable to figure out the GS Ball, Ash journeys to Johto and delivers it to Kurt, the Poké Ball master, in whose care it apparently remains.

While the GS Ball appeared to play an important role throughout the series - several random scenes were shown throughout various episodes of Ash studying it, trying to figure out its origin - the GS Ball turned out to be little more than a meaningless plot device; the thread was completely dropped despite allusions in its final episode that more information was to be revealed.

Now human lives and histories are simply pawns in the great game of dominion.....DOOM'S GAME


I heard it was just a marketing thing to get you to buy Gold and Silver GS





I think that's the problem with this show: there are two many things that have been dropped or left hanging. I blame it on the producers who continue to make episodes just to rake in more money. (It's not entertaining anymore. To quote someone's comment on a YouTube video, which has been taken down, "it's been ten years of the same kid, traveling around getting eight badges over and over, and then loosing in the championship.")

Because of that, there are quite a few other things we've never seen revisited. It's not just the dumb GS Ball. For starters, what about Ash's old Pidgeot, who we last saw in episode 81? What happened to Ash's promise to come back for him one day? Unless I'm mistaken, Ash has been back to Pallet Town quite a few times since then, and that poor Pidgeot is still waiting in Viridian Forest for his trainer to return. Am I the only one who thinks Ash pulled a Damian? (Damian was the trainer who abandoned Charmander way back in episode 11 by lying to him that he'd return and get him soon.)


There is probably some fanfiction about it that is far better than the cartoon could ever be.

Ghostface comedy:


The GS Ball, like in the Gold/Silver games - was supposed to hold Celebi. It was intended that once the GS Ball was finally opened, there was going to be a huge story arc with the pokemon. However, upon reviewing, the producers thought that Celebi would do better in a movie instead of a 5-10 episode arc. Sadly, that became the 4th movie and the GS Ball ended up becoming dead weight.


It took over 3 years, but I finally got my answer. Thank you, Krissy4.

Nyahnyahnyahnyah nyah nyah! I made you eat your parents! Nyahnyahnyahnyah nyah nyah!
