Just started this.
When this came out, I initially turned my nose up at it because I didn't like the animation style and my opinion of both the anime show and the games stayed very low for many, many years. It hasn't been until very recently that I've finally decided to give Pokemon a chance, but since I can't afford any of the games right now, I'm burrowing a friends' copy of this series. Annnnnnd....!
It's not bad. It's nothing special, but it is able to hold my attention. It is an entertaining rump with plenty of action, adventure, and silliness. The story's pretty simple, but that's to be expected. The characters come in varying dimensions, but so far I'm liking Kazumi/Misty, Pikachu, and Brock (especially Brock, actually). Satoshi/Ash does nothing for me. If you like him, cool, but to me, he's just every other young shonen lead out there. I'm seven episodes in and I'm already done with Team Rocket. Yeah, I know that they're still on the show (I think), but what I mean is that I've already had my fill of them.
Overall, I'm going to keep with it. Are there any particularly well-liked episodes to be on the look out for?
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf