worst anime ever
this is the worst anime ever. i thaught speed racer was bad but this makes me wanna puke
sharethis is the worst anime ever. i thaught speed racer was bad but this makes me wanna puke
shareOf course it's a bad show, that's why most of the people who post for this cartoon are Pokemon haters and bashers (just look at all the threads!).
To its credit, Pokemon was a fun show when it just started and when the whole Poke-fever began. But as time dragged on, as everyone knows, the show became repetative and boring. Kids tuned in every Saturday to find Ash and his annoying pals with two-dimentional personalities fight Team Rocket and try to be the "greatest trainer ever" again, just like last week.
From what I see, the only way to redeem the show now is either to add a MAJOR story element to the show, (ex: Team Rocket reverts to world terrorism and plundges Hoenn or where ever they are now into chaos; a fanatical Pokemon version of PETA starts attacking trainers and their gyms to "liberate" their Pokemon slaves; whatever) or just cancel the show entirely - Pokemon is taking air time away from Yu-gi-ho (just kidding!).
Either these or use other elements from other animes: add some existential teen angist, bible references, giant robots, some incest - I don't know, whatever. Those are just my thoughts.
If it wasn't for the original Pokemon Red and Blue Game Boy games, then there would have never been a Pokemon anmie. The rights to Pokemon are owned by Nintendo. That's why in some of their games you have Pikachu teaming up with Mario to face Donkey Kong.
"Obi-Wan has taught you well, you have controlled your fear"
"Are you threating me, Master Jedi"
the pokemon games are horrible to.
put your grasses on
Topic creator PHAILED'D
nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)
what are you talking about? spell failed right.
Dreamcast will live on in the hearts of it's fans
Okay, I'm going to say this once and for all. Do not judge the series soley on the english dub. It's 4Kids' fault that we have to view this horrible content, because their focus is on the younger age groups. However, if you watch any of the Japanese raws or subs, you will agree with me that it is a much better anime then it has been perceived. So I repeat this once again, do not flame the entire anime unless you have watched the original japanese episodes. That is all.
shareso a company can completly change the content of a series so it can be for kids?
pokemon couldn't possibly be better anyway.
berserk season 2 needs to be made!
""Are you threating me, Master Jedi""
Vegeta, what does this mean?
What is "threating"? It's like a combination of "treading" and "threatening".
What is its meaning? Or are you another 'american typoist'?
T to the ROLL. Seriously EvaPerson, I don't like the anime either, though the games aren't bad and the series concept is pretty cool (good Fanfiction is RARE, but possible), but there's no need to senslessly bash the series like that.
shareyes i can! it sucks! it's like saying Barney is the meaniing of life!
Hell, I'd pick up the game even now and play it. That's how much replay value the game has. And I got that game about seven years ago.
"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."
Every episode was the same except a new Pokemon would be introduced.
i think the idiot who made pokemon is the idiot who made nintendo
In essence, when you break apart the things that earn the anime criticism, you realize that there are other anime that are worse in each situation.
The characters of Yu-Gi-Oh! have even less depth than the characters in Pokemon (even Yami, who is just a 5,000-year-old spirit who lives inside the Millenium Puzzle). Yugi or some other main character also relies on cheap plot devices even moreso than Ash or another main character in Pokemon.
Anime like InuYasha rely on cliches even moreso than Pokemon. The plot, the yelling/wanting for another character... it all gets old even quicker than Pokemon.
One more thing; something that goes for every board on this website, but opinions and assumptions =/= facts.
The content in the English dub is actually improved from the Japanese version in my opinion, so really, complaining about 4Kids doesn't seem as credible to me.
And ryankat25, this is for you: Grow up and stop being a troll and saying the exact same hate speech every time you post in a Pokemon topic. Your childhood does not concern us (and neither do your assumptions or your opinions), and do NOT judge an entire fanbase on your own personal experiences (if they have even happened).
That is all.
i hate Yu- Gi- Oh and Inyuyasha anyway. but don't tell me you actually like Pokemon, that's retarded. get you're penis out of this turd ball and go watch Gantz.
Don't hate an anime for no viable reason, that's even more retarded.
sharei have plenty of reasons to hate pokemon go watch the show and you'll know why i hate it
The main reason I watch this show is not necessarily out of love, but just to give credit. It's respectable, and while not everyone may like it, I don't think it's all that bad.
I've seen many people judge this show out of bias, and others actually have reasons that aren't implied. Some people hate it and haven't watched it recently, if at all.
As a person who has managed to keep up with it over the past few years, I've noticed that it's gradually getting better as it progresses.
Say what you will about the show and keep your opinion, but don't abuse your rights to express it, especially not on a website where people can report for trolling (you know how sensitive people can be in such cases).
this show is bad it's just a kiddy children's show.
worst half-hour slot in TV ever.
in fact, this show becoming a global phenomenon just proved my theory: Kids are stupid.
"Kids are stupid"- ypioca_curio_etc
excactly. they are like retarded midgets.
"They are like retarded midgets "
So ,when you were a kid you were retarded then ?by the way , I hate "Pokemon " .
i was never a retarded midget i saw how stupid this show was when i was a kid
Whether you realize it or not, bashing Nintendo, Pokemon, and children makes you look like one of those "retarded midgets". Actually saying "retarded" doesn't make it any better.
sharethey are retarded
screw you asswipe! this is one of the few good animes out there! most of them suck ass!
sharehow can you lke this? it's like liking barney!
Anyone that is saying they hate this show must have either been really old at the time or really young. I know that it came out when I was 12 so I got into the whole poke-fever thing along with everyone else but the older generation was calling it crap and littler kids were into Barney and Teletubbies still. Now that I look back at the show yes it is crap but at the time it was really good and I watched it every Sunday, collected the cards and even the toys from Burger King because I didn't know any better. I still think that if it wasn't for shows like Pokemon, DBZ & Sailor Moon with it's crap ass dubbing, Anime would not be the billion dollar industry it is today.
What Happend To Crystal Pepsi
animes were all ready famous but it's shows like this that probably got it's fans (who eventually grew out of it) to go see other animes
guys how old are you? pokemon is like for children... so unless your like 12 dont expect to like it and start bashing it. afterall, kids love the sterotypeical hero saves the day cliche in every episode. i loved pokemon as a kid, but it has gotten dull, probably because i've matured.
i doubt little kids even knew what they were saying in that song