MovieChat Forums > The Wild Thornberrys (1998) Discussion > Episode where Thornberrys go to Russia -...

Episode where Thornberrys go to Russia - WTF?!!

One day I saw the episode where Thornberrys went to Russia and met russian girls!! And these russian girls saw jeans on american girl, and this fact freaked them out, they said something like "Oh, you have JEANS!!!! Here in Russia we don't have jeans!!!"
Yeah, there was such a period in our history. Jeans and all that stuff were very rare, people were hunting for it. You could be even arrested for buying JEANS!!!
But it was in Soviet Union period!!!!! Until late 80s!!!!!!!!!
Now Russia is absolutely normal country, we do have jeans and all that things which all other people in USA have!!!!!
What would you feel if we say that all americans are totally idiots, fat as hell, throwing bombs on everything they don't like?! I think you will be kind of upset.
So am I !! I don't like when we are shown as poor uncivilized people (((
that's all.


Oh Please grow up its just a tv show. This was in 1998, goodness everyone takes the Thornberrys way to seriously they were only giving facts goodness. Lets say she doesn't have jeans and wants some look I doubt this episode was supposed to offend anyone I highly doubt that. What is the big deal about getting mad over jeans? that is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of people getting mad over a TV show before. Its just jeans. They loved her becasue of her jeans not hated her because she was america geesh in the words of Debbie "Whatever!"


It is annoying that the show would do this, isn't it supposed to be educational????


when the *beep* did cartoons become educational!?!?!

" sit down, have a drink, know what i think, you need to lighten up" - scarecrow


Siding with the OP, because someone needs to. If that joke showed up on, say, Rocko's Modern Life, it would have been alright. The Wild Thornberrys is supposed to be educating children on different countries. No place for glaring errors like that.

Every time you read this signature, an orphaned puppy gets fed into a meat grinder.


Ugh, I know what you mean. I hate it when they make mistakes. (FYI, they were in Lappland, Sweden and Debbie happened to meet two Russian girls her age.) In the episode "Every Little Bit Alps" where they are in Switzerland they eat fondue at the end:

It's all wrong. Hello... we Swiss do NOT use our hands! We don't just dip it in like it's salsa! We use a long fork and take turns dipping, and we twirl the cheese around the bread (or fruit, etc.). The cheese does *not* stick if you just dip it in and take it out like they show you in the episode. Also, the bread is all wrong there! Ugh.

And where are the potatoes? You can never eat fondue without something like potatoes or some kind of dried meat. We don't eat *just* fondue! It always has things on the side so you don't get sick of it!

The cheese in the episode is *must* too rubbery! Look how it snaps and makes a sound doing it when Eliza is eating it! What did that man put in it? I bet he even missed putting in kirsch! >_<


I can see why you would be a little upset by that. But what does what you said about Americans have anything to do with it? They weren't trying to be harmful. And seriously not having jeans is not the same as those kind of insults you are throwing around. Unless it's really bad, which that one example you gave is not, I just shrug it off. Plenty of people say stupid and untrue things about America. But if it's out of ignorance (the lack of knowledge, I'm not insulting) then you just correct them and move the hell on. Personally, I never thought Russia was uncivilized, anyway that's only one representation of it. Again I've never thought, oh these people don't wear what I wear so they MUST be uncivilized idiots. Honestly, it just seems like you wanted to say terrible things about Americans without actually saying it. Cause from your post it seems you been holding in a lot of hostility.

Like someone said this was 10 years ago, whenever I see Russians on American television I can't say it's always the best image, but many times they are known to have top notch technology. And with all the problems they are shown to have, the everyday Russians don't seem uncivilized to me. A better comparison you could have used is Americans are lazy or not smart but all that other stuff is unnecessary as "we don't have jeans" is not nearly as offensive as fat, idiotic, bombers. Ten years ago Americans weren't as widely known for being "fat bombers" though so it's unfair to compare the sentiments of a child's cartoon show to something going on now.

And really there are lots worse images of Russians, and much more recent. I mean honestly, this is one of those things you correct and laugh off.


The American comparison isn't that great because (we) Americans are fat as hell. =]
And most are totally idiots! But yea, I guess I understand where you're coming from. It would be like someone making a generalization about an entire race when its completely untrue. That would be a better comparison, and it would make me angry if I were on the other side.
