MovieChat Forums > The Wild Thornberrys (1998) Discussion > The Last Good Nickelodeon Show?

The Last Good Nickelodeon Show?

In the sense of "Old School" Nickelodeon, this is the last "good" show, in my opinion, although there were some *questionable* ones that came before it. What do you think? Are there any others that came after that you feel were still good? Or do you not like this show?


Yeah, this is it, the last great show of Nickelodeon.


too bad there couldnt be a station on tv where it played only the old school Nickelodian shows. kinda like how cartoon network has that boomerang channel or something?

if i were to choose the shows on the old school Nick, this would be my list -
1) the wild thornberrys
2) doug
3) rocko's modern life
4) salute your shorts
5) you cant do that on television
6) clarissa explains it all

im sure theres more shows, but, its late, and i cant think, lol.

but what do you guys think??


i like spongebob it came out in 99'


Thornberrys was GREAT! I was in high school at the time it came out but I still watch re-runs of it! But as far as the greatest shows of Nickelodeon, I'll put it like this:


1. Wild Thornberrys
2. Hey Arnold
3. Rocko's Modern Life (classic)
4. The Angry Beavers
5. Doug (another classic, and not that crappy Disney version either!)
6. Looney Tunes (remember when they used to show Looney Tunes on Saturdays???)
7. AHH! Real Monsters

1. Alex Mack
2. My Brother & Me
3. Cousin Skeeter
4. All That (when Kenal & Kel were there. After they left it was like "In Living Color" when all the Wayans left)
5. Kenan & Kel
6. Are You Afraid Of The Dark?
7. Wild & Crazy Kids
8. Mr. Wizard

I tell you, if Nickelodeon wants to improve their image, why don't they create a super Nickelodeon dedicated to ALL the old shows, and show them 24/7! All old shows and cartoons, even that sorry-a$$ Ren & Stimpy. Might catch hell for that, but that cartoon wasn't funny to me. It was disgusting & stupid, if anything at all, but people like stupid (cough, cough, SpongeBob, cough).


Nicks shows have died out no original shows are being played either


I totally wish Nick would do a spin-off channel with just the classics, not that stupid Nicktoons channel that just shows some of the old shows in the A.M. I really miss the old shows those were Nicks greatest, now everything is stupid and has no plot and is just geared to 5 year olds. >(


Shows geared to 5 years olds while attempting to appeal to teenagers. That has to be the worst marketing strategy since Microsoft's XBox marketing campaign.

(At least Microsoft got smart with XBox 360, but still, they are lacking in the marketing department).

I miss all the old shows man.

Guts, Legends of the Hidden Temple, What would you do?, the original All That, Wild and Crazy Kids, Adventures of Pete and Pete, Get the Picture, Double Dare, SNICK!!!, Are you Afraid of the Dark?, the list goes on.

And I like Wild Thornberrys for the RV (Comvee FTW!) and Tim Curry, his most ridiculous performance since Congo in my opinion.

I stopped watching Nick altogether in mid-late 2000 since the only shows that could hold my interest were Rocket Power and the Wild Thornberrys, and on a dull day Spongebob (In those days Spongebob wasn't overrated, he was just an annoying cartoon that had a cult following, then the Nick Marketing machine began turning and now I can't escape his spongy followers).


I thought Rocket Power was good. But, I stopped watching Nick after that went off, and the started showing Rugrats All Growed Up.

If you're out for revenge- dress with gusto.


I miss those shows... however I have to give credit. Nickelodeon has 1 good show, and that is Avatar. Perhaps because it is so different.

Clarissa was cool, as was Doug (OMG! Doug!). So was this one, and it sucks they've gone downhill!


Spongebob Squarepants and Avatar are great shows that blow this boring show out of the water. Other than those two shows though, Nickelodeon sucks now.


This was not the last good show on Nick. After this show came out, there was Rocket Power, Cousin Skeeter, As Told By Ginger, Caitlin's Way, The Brothers Garcia, and Taina. After "Taina" was cancelled was when Nick went downhill and I didn't start watching Nickelodeon again until True Jackson VP began. Now Nick is going back to having decent live action shows on they're network. They just need to stop playing Spongebob so damn much.


Agreed. Spongebob and Avatar are great but everything else sucks. How is it that back in the day there were SO MANY shows on and most of them were great and now all they show is Spongebob almost all of the time with a handful of other shows nobody cares about?


Nickelodeon are a lazy company. They realize they can rest on the laurels of Spongebob for the foreseeable future. This is going to bite them in the ass eventually though.
