The Music
The description above, so eruditely written, rings alot of bells. I saw this ( repeatedly!) on the BBC during school holidays as part of the morning kiddies broadcast - it must have been early 1970's. This series, along with others like "The Flashing Blade" ( which must have had in excess of 235 episodes!) and The Singing Ringing tree (still gives me nightmares- AARGH! The Dwarf!), also featured. I'm looking those up next.
THE MUSIC - I heard an excerpt of one of the two themes dubbed over another TV piece and found it highly evocative. So much so that I feel the compulsion to pull on a Viscose/wool roll top pullover, hop of my Rayleigh Tomahawk bike & go to play footy at the 'Rec!! Just kidding.
I am surprised to read the BBC music was a dub - Does anyone know what the music is ?
Theme Tune " Da di-dit da da-daaah, Dedede, da da-de-da-da daaa"
Incidental Music "de-de de-doo doo, da-de de deeee"
Andrew Lloyd-Webber, eat your heart out.