Did Cole Know (Spoiler)?

Almost everybody familiar with this movie is familiar with the twist at the end, which is a pretty big twist. I remember 15-years ago watching this with a friend who didn't get the ending, but it all made sense to him when he found out Malcolm was dead as there are subtle hints in the movie that he isn't alive.

But, the question for the movie is does Cole know? Cole seemed to be talking to him just like anybody else. I think Cole did, and in the last scene he and Malcolm are in, Cole tells Malcolm to talk to his wife when she's asleep for her to listen. That indicates that Cole knew. Though Malcolm seemed different from all the other dead people in the movie.


Yes, he knew. The thing you mentioned is one of the hints. Cole also fled from Malcolm in the beginning when he went inside the church. And he described a feeling he gets when there's a dead person around, it's not just that he SEES they're dead.


The actual EXPLANATION of the twist [like as much a no-no as explaining a joke] is used by Night to say to the viewer "see what happens if you don't think outside the circle and take everything at face value", which IS what he is trying [in vain] to fix in american society in ALL his movies.

SO if you are perceptive you will then apply that same method [remember the "experiment" in The Happening] to the actual CONTENT of his movies.

In this one he must craft the movie so it reads as acceptable for the simple, bums on seats [and he got LOTS of bums] understanding in which he uses ghosts, but his own version of ghosts, for which he makes up some rules.

For the real meaning which is Sertraline abuse [he uses Zoloft as Pfizer has the worst record in Big Pharma] Cole is having hallucinations as is his mother but she is on a lesser dose.

Malcolm is bad guy as he done the same to Vincent and ruined his life so Night's rules say he must be killed BY Vincent. But twist [if you will] is that Night then gives him a SECOND CHANCE to redeem himself by acting as a PROPER shrink.

Now read on!


