Another Zoloft Case?
More on what Night is talking about and why you are not listening
As the website SSRI Stories profusely documents, there are literally hundreds of examples of mass shootings, murders and other violent episodes that have been committed by individuals on psychiatric drugs over the past three decades. The number of cases is staggering, but the media has completely failed to generate a national conversation about the issue due to its obsession with exploiting mass shootings to demonize the second amendment.
In the aftermath of revelations that Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed the airliner, there has also been complete silence amongst the establishment press as to whether psychiatric drugs played a role, despite Lubitz’ known history of depression.
Pharmaceutical giants who produce drugs like Zoloft, Prozac and Paxil spend around $2.4 billion dollars a year on direct-to-consumer television advertising every year. By running negative stories about prescription drugs, networks risk losing tens of millions of dollars in ad revenue, which is undoubtedly one of the primary reasons why the connection is habitually downplayed or ignored entirely.