MovieChat Forums > The Sixth Sense (1999) Discussion > Anna could see dead people too

Anna could see dead people too

I've seen this movie more times than I can count but just recently I watched it again on blu-ray the other night and came to a rather interesting conclusion: does anyone think there's enough evidence to suggest that Anna was capable of seeing dead people too?

For one, the most obvious example is in the opening and closing scenes, where Anna breathes and her breath is visible. In the first, she even complains about it being cold. Also notice she thoroughly looks for a bottle and begins to look at it but gets distracted by something she can only here, than just grabs it out of panic and runs back up the stairs

Let's not forget to mention her surprise when she finds out who Vincent Gray is, her face is shocked as if to say, "wait, he's the one that saw dead people"

However, notice also the way she behaves throughout the movie. So maybe she was capable of seeing Malcolm, but she couldn't bear to see the ghost of her own husband. In the scene where he visits her at the Italian restaurant Malcolm tells her "I thought you mant the other Italian restaurant you asked me to marry me in" as if she wanted him to be there, even if she knew he couldn't eat because nobody else (except Cole but that's a different story) could see him. Also at the end she has then basement office covered up with books because she just wants closure and to move on

Speaking of which, the end scene. She sees Malcolm but this time wanting closure she asks "why did you leave me?" As if to ask "why did you have to die". It could be more than that though, why did he let the fact that he failed one kid make him want to let go and die. She's not upset that one kid failed him, she's upset that he did that over one kid, even if it meant that living would make it so his career is ruined. So she decides to hear Malcolm one more time and bid him farewell. She has closure now, says goodbye to him moves on

Just my take on the matter

I will plant a f--king palm tree in your neck and f--k you f--king gently in its shade!


For one, the most obvious example is in the opening and closing scenes, where Anna breathes and her breath is visible.

It's not that only those who can see dead people have visible breath. The room temperature drops when a ghost is around and everybody feels that effect. Cole's mother also complains about the cold in the apartment.

I have to disagree with you that Anna sees dead people. If she could, there was no reason for Malcolm to communicate with her in her sleep. I also think she wouldn't be as depressed and wouldn't even think of moving on with another man if she knew her dead husband was still around.


The room temperature drops when a ghost is around and everybody feels that effect. Cole's mother also complains about the cold in the apartment.


and Cole himself feels the cold

feeling cold is one of the side effects of Zoloft and we know all 3 were using Zoloft.

interesting point you bring up here is Malcolm had his ever lovin wife ON Zoloft [as well as Vincent and ALL his patients] even though she would seem to not have had problems before Malcolm gets killed. But then Vincent also did not have problems before being dosed.

Vincent's problems only happen AFTER he sees Malcolm [and murder-suicide is a common result of Zoloft as determined by the Australian Federal Court decision]

notice he is not on Zoloft himself and looks surprised when she brings the pullovers.


interesting point you bring up here is Malcolm had his ever lovin wife ON Zoloft

I did not bring that up at all.

Aggressive behavior, nosebleeds and sweating are also side effects, but those aren't mentioned or seen in the movie.

You have no idea what Shyamalan's views are on medication and psychotherapy, so don't even try to speculate. Just get lost with your nonsense theories that don't even address the OP's question.


Aggressive behavior, nosebleeds and sweating are also side effects, but those aren't mentioned or seen in the movie.


If murder-suicide is not aggressive then I'm not here - we saw the 12 year old kid Vincent as a victim of Malcolm in "a controlled environment" [see his "report" on Cole] in his office also has the same hallucinations as Cole and becomes the 20 year old misfit BECAUSE of the drugs [maybe it was Prozac then but same horse] yelling at Malcolm "you couldn't help me" which Night uses throughout movie as code for you Zolofted me.

as for sweating we see Cole's handprint on the table after he takes his Zoloft [with MILK as per Night's fake Zoloft bottle with RED tablets].

you missed bruising.


I wouldn't call that "aggressive" per se, more like an act of desperation. It wasn't exactly a temper tantrum. Anna and Cole were not aggressive nor did they suffer from excessive sweating or nosebleeds, so your theory is bullsh!t.

This is all I will say about it. Next time you bring it up, you better show some evidence regarding Shyamalan's views on this issue and the movie.


but what IS aggressive is YOU, in defending the use of Zoloft on innocent kids and trying to DENY my rights under the First to let others use their own brains to work it out.

I bet you are ON it as most americans are.


but what IS aggressive is YOU, in defending the use of Zoloft on innocent kids

This shows you're insane. I didn't defend the use of Zoloft in any way. And I certainly wasn't aggressive.

DENY my rights under the First to let others use their own brains to work it out.

That sentence makes no sense. There's no such thing in YOUR constitution, which doesn't even apply to ME. But that's the problem, dude, you don't let other people work it out for themselves, you harass them by telling them how to interpret this movie.

I bet you are ON it as most americans are.

Oh nice, you're making assumptions about my private life. Man, I hadn't even heard of Zoloft before I met you. And I'm not on any kind of medication. Not that that's any of your business.

If you want to talk about Zoloft, go to the Soapbox. This is not the right board for your nonsense.


Lester, the only thing your "rights under the First" guarantee you is protection from censorship or retaliation by the United States government... having freedom of speech doesn't guarantee there won't ever be consequences of some kind to things you say to your fellow citizens... so there was no trying to DENY your rights by anyone... and what is your problem with Zoloft, if I may ask? I've seen you all over this board saying pretty much the same things over & over about it... btw, that was a cheap shot saying you bet Stratego is on Zoloft as most Americans are... exactly how many Americans do you personally know anyway? 75% of the population? 58%? 92%?

~ the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it ~


exactly how many Americans do you personally know anyway? 75% of the population? 58%? 92%?


Big Pharma supplies all the the figures itself.

Google it


I think you need something stronger than Zoloft. How about Thorazine? Loon


Pal, I really think you need Zoloft, and need it badly!


He needs a tranquilizer.



Aggressive behavior, nosebleeds and sweating are also side effects, but those aren't mentioned or seen in the movie.

So is camping out on the loo. This may be why Vincent broke in and was found in the bathroom.

Please, go...Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave...The party's over. Get out.


If the common theory, as used in many movies in history, is true, then we are all capable of seeing ghosts, you just need to want to see them.


No she can't see ghosts like someone else said everyone felt the cold. The point of the door being blocked was because several times throughout the movie he tries to open the basement door but it seems to be stuck then at the end we see he couldn't open it because it was actually blocked like Cole said ghosts see what they want to see.


No. Anna can't see them but she sees what they do.

I've seen spirits all my life. I see them as people like me and you.

Others may see things the spirits do like Coles mom seeing the open cabinets or her moved pin.

Ever go on a "ghost walk" or "ghost tour"? You will hear stories of things like a light being turned on, a bed unmade or a ghost who likes to hide car keys. This is people seeing the actions of the spirits.

As for the breath some say it gets cold when spirits come around. I have never experienced that nor has any of my relatives who can see them. But the thing I've learned all my 40 years is some of those who only feel spirits may feel coldness, hair standing up on their arms or something physical like that.


The reason why she got cold in the basement and ran up the stairs after grabbing the wine was that Vincent was in their house.

Those with the Sixth Sense are like magnets to spirits. Throughout the whole movie, we see evidence of ghosts actively appearing or visiting Cole because he has the sixth sense. There is a belief that those who are more vulnerable to the spiritual world, is due to the fact that they give off energy to spirits allowing them to manifest themselves to that person.

If that is the case in this movie, then people like Cole and Vincent draw out ghosts which means that when Vincent went to Malcolm's house, he brought other spirits with him. This explains why Anna felt a cold presence while grabbing the wine. Although she cannot see it, she can feel it the way Cole's mom can't see the spirits that he's drawing to him but she constantly feels their cold presence.


To the OP: Anna could not see Malcolm. She had no idea he was a ghost anywhere around her.
When we see her *speak* with him at the end, she is not seeing him then either.

She is mostly still in a dream state. Some cultures believe that you can talk to the Dead when you are in this state, the film does just that: That's what we see happen.
Cole tells Dr. Crowe this after the play, to help him, because Cole has likely been told about it from another spirit....likely his grandma.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


No - she couldn't see them.
