A nod to 12 monkeys?

In 12 monkeys, which came out in 1995, Bruce willis' character is called James Cole and at one point in the movie, after saving Kathryn Railly from the two goons, he mumbles "all I see are dead people". Coincidence? Also, I couldn't help noticing the similarity between a shot in the sixth sense, at the birth party, where Cole looks up a staircase and a similar brief shot in 12 monkeys, when Bruce meets Brad Pitt at his father's place in 1996. I know a shot of a staircase can be very generic and is found in many movies, but I thought these two were eerily similar.


Interesting; I hadn't noticed the spiral staircase connection but you are right, it is eerily similar. In each sequence, the "Cole" character is going up the staircase towards a crazy entity - Brad Pitt's character in "Twelve Monkeys" and a ghost in "Sixth Sense".

There was also a nod to "Die Hard" in "Twelve Monkeys" when James Cole is engaging with the aforementioned two goons - he uses Hans Gruber's line of "please don't kill me, please, please, don't kill me" before he whacks the goon where it hurts the most.

One wonders how many things are inserted as nods to previous work, and how much fun it must be for the actors/writers!

"You're so analytical! Sometimes you just have to let art... flow... over you." The Big Chill

