I do not think they did not care. I think they were like deer in headlights and did not know what to do. Perhaps they thought Cole was playing a joke on his mother or vice versa, maybe they just thought the mother was crazy. I am quite sure they were not deliberately trying to be heartless towards the mother or the boy, I just think they were too shocked to do anything. In real life, sometimes people who are callous towards emergencies are too scared to respond, even if they want to help, and what happened was quite scary. The children and mothers did look shocked and did realize something terrible was going on. They just probably did not understand what was happening. I am quite sure they felt more concerned after his mother took him out. We do not know for sure how they responded when they saw her take her extremely pale son out. They were probably worried. I do not know about the boys though, but they were probably not proud of what they did afterwards. They seemed like statues when Cole started screaming horrifyingly and probably felt ashamed when the mother yelled at them and was understandably haywire.
As far as the ghost goes, yes that was freaking scary. I remember watching this in theaters and being terrified of that scene for weeks. It is amazingly the only scene that truly scared me. Still scares me just thinking about it and the last time I saw it was in theaters!