The one ghost opened all the cabinets in the kitchen when Cole was eating breakfast and the attic ghost was able to actually hurt him. So this means ghosts can manipulate the world of the living and move actual objects, right? So why don't they just do this all the time? Pretty sure if they can move things, other people would know they were there, not just Cole. This makes no sense to me.
It seems to me they can only move things when they are really emotional, like when Malcolm broke the window. The concept that ghosts move things around is quite old and it basically builds on that. I think the idea is that most people would find other explanations for it.
Very true, but most other movies, books, TV shows, etc. that employ the concept of ghosts moving things usually depicts it as something really subtle that could have been explained by the wind or something.
The ghosts here are powerful, and I would imagine a lot of them being emotional, especially the ones that just died. There probably should be things flying around and being moved constantly non-stop, considering how many spirits there must be wandering around and what they're capable of according to this film. Opening every cabinet very quickly like that (and what if his mom had seen this happen???) and even being able to physically hurt someone. Everyone should believe Cole that there are dead people everywhere with what these poltergeists can do.
Well, stories about ghosts, also in real life, can be pretty extreme, with objects flying through the air and ghosts even showing themselves to people who don't have any sixth sense.
It does seem to me that the ghosts mostly react aggressively around Cole. They want to express what's bothering them, but aren't able to, also because Cole doesn't react the way they want to. I also think ghosts only interact with objects that mean something to them, ghosts that are centuries old will probably interact much less with the modern world. They can't see the objects that weren't there in their own lifetime. I'm not sure how many spirits there are wandering around, a lot of people who die probably move on pretty quickly.
As for things not moving when other people are around, isn't that basically always the problem with such ghost stories? Why do these things always happen when no one else is around? Why is there never a camera that catches such a moment on tape?
I think a movie like this does ask for some suspension of disbelief. It wants to show the extreme side of supernatural occurences, to show what kind of effect it has on a young boy. But for the first part of the movie it also wants to keep us in doubt about what's really going on. Maybe Cole has psychological issues and is acting out. Opening all the cabinets would surely upset his mother.
They only see what they want to see, therefore if the Object holds some sort importance, whether because of ignoring the past, trapped in the past, denial etc, they act accordingly. Night just upped the ante in the emotional response. He didn't see the table in front of the door because he DIDN'T want to see... He broke the Window because he DID... Those sort of things.
Ghosts interacting with physical objects has been a part of spirit lore for ages now. Just read any old ghost spirit and you'll see dozens of examples of ghosts moving objects around.
The typical answer for why ghosts can't move objects around all the time is because it takes up energy. Since they don't have bodies of their own anymore, they have to rely on telekinetic energy to get the job done, which is a lot more taxing than a flesh and blood hand shoving a cup to the side.
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