Who is the Bad Guy?

In Night's movies his total cleverness in "twisting" the viewer generally ensures 2 things - the Bad Guy is not what you figure based on simplistic addiction to normal Hollywood Blockbusters, and SO Night kills him.

He adds a lot of clues for the impressionable in his DVD extras so be sure to take a look, eg for The Happening he just happens to mention "by the way, WE are the bad guys" although clues like "Clearhill Estate, you DESERVE this" should have sufficed.

But back in 1999 he was a bit more cautious [Kubrick like] about actually explaining his plots so he never explained that Malcolm [and the shrink parasites he represents] is the Bad Guy, but he DOES kill him [via one of his victims] so that should have been sufficient.

In DVD he expressed his great surprise that he needed to actually EXPLAIN his "twist" [after Cole tells him his story must have a twist] so Night must have been super surprised most of the viewers took Malcolm to be the GOOD guy, but when the dollars flooded in I guess he figured what the whack.

But I am sure it changed his approach in other movies to see just how far he could GO in ridiculing J Doe, hence the reaction against The Happening as being a bit over the top in satirizing an American favorite activity - suicide.



The bad guy was Vincent because he killed Malcolm. The movie would have been possible with Malcolm still alive rather than a ghost. You just couldn't have the plot twist.


My iMDB profile http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4297325/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1


NO, Vincent was a totally innocent kid that got his mind screwed up by the "shrink system" [aka BigPharma] but still had enough marbles left after 10 years in drug induced oblivion to PROTEST re the award Malcolm got that day.

It's kinda like Ralph Nader consumer action revived, but of course with a twist.

The [REAL] twist is once dead and dealing now with Cole he can no longer simply hand out the Sertraline [Zoloft having taken over from Prozac] so he has to actually do his JOB and work out what the problem is.

Cole's problem is he too is a totally normal kid like Vincent was before treatment but has already been put on Sertralene [Zoloft in his case] so Malcolm is faced with the HARM his drugs do to kids and does not like what he sees.



"Who is the Bad Guy?" Based on the way you're trolling these boards ...

The film has no bad guy. Vincent was driven mad by his visions and was doing the only thing he knew of to show Malcolm that those visions were real. Malcolm had helped a lot of people. He failed to help Vincent because Malcolm never understood what was happening to Vincent, but that doesn't change the fact that Malcolm helped a lot of people before Vincent, he did his best to help Vincent, and he helped Cole.

Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood and you find the real tinsel underneath.
