Is anyone subscribed to these guys?

I rarely plug YouTube channels but I thought History Of Middle-Earth deserves a mention, they make many regular well researched Middle-Earth videos, mostly covering the lore with beautiful artwork to accompany the vids as well as dramatic readings of the books too!

Here’s a few random vids of theirs:


Love that channel! They do a great job indulging in the geekier side of things. I get a little smug satisfaction whenever I know where they're going with something, but they usually bust out a bunch of stuff I didn't know, too.


I love the effort they put into their videos, half the time it makes me want to read LOTR again, which isn’t a bad thing.


I re-read it every few years. I'm not quite once-a-year ala Christopher Lee, but I have read it a lot.

I just finished reading The Fall of Gondolin, too, which is an amazing epic.


I'd love to see a Fall of Gondolin film one day.


It would be staggering! Tuor's story, from slave to noble to warrior, is great. I would love his escape from Melkor, wandering the land, and meeting Ulmo. I'd love the courtly stuff: the romance and politics in Gondolin. The tragic failure of Tuor to talk Turgon into action, and then that leads to the colossal siege to end all sieges... awesome.

Balrogs and dragons! Elven houses locked in combat! Superb!
