Minas Tirith war technology....

This beacon city defended the realms of men for a long time. They were right next to Mordor. If they had a decent spy or scouting unit surely they would be aware of the threats in Mordor.

And yet they seemed to have developed very little technology in combating the forces against them.

Their main thought was just to throw men at the problem till help arrives.

The enemy has catapults and giant orcs, flying reptiles and giant ass elephants. Why did they not improve even an inch since the first war of the rings?


It was shown that they got lazy and had an incompetent king.


I can understand that but this was a long time to just do nothing. I think they did have some catapults st least but nothing else really.


Yeah. Seems that once their former king went crazy and kept the One Ring, the entire nation went to crap. It’s fairly realistic. Sometimes great nations fall. I think that’s what Tolkien was touching on.


Remember, Denethor relied on the Palantir for intelligence instead of a spy network, and the Palantir had been compromised and was giving him false information and making him crazy. It's also made clear in the book (and less so in the film) that Denethor had been relying on his vassals to send armies and weapons to defend Minas Tirith, and they only sent token aid because they were afraid their home territories were about to be invaded. The book also mentioned that Gandalf had been warning Denethor about a huge war being on the way for decades, and Denethor hadn't listened, and that Minas Tirith was depopulated, with many houses standing empty, it didn't have a big local fighting force available, so the lack of help from the provinces was disastrous. Basically, Denethor was a whole anthill short of a picnic at that point, so he hadn't made anything like the preparations he could have, or should have.

And yeah, that's one of the odd things about Middle-Earth, the lack of technological advancement. Tolkien has a professor of Early English and an expert on the historical period we call the Dark Ages, he set the technological level there because that's what he knew. And showed that humans had been far more technologically advanced in the past, as had been the case in the Dark Ages... but he had the change happening over thousands of years rather than hundreds.
