Sauron thinking Pippin had the ring

That makes absolutely no sense unless you've read the book. Just more proof that this POS movie can't stand on it's own.


Why doesn't it? Sauron is under the impression that a Hobbit has his beloved ring, due to what Gollum said while being tortured by his orc forces ("Shire! Baggins!") and a while later Sauron is looking through his Palantir and sees Pippin, another Hobbit, on the other end. Why wouldn't he make that connection? Maybe Sauron knows that Hobbits are not as influenced by his ring as other races are, so that worries him, and to see another Hobbit with a Palantir as well...!


A Hobbit looking into a palantir doesn’t indicate he has a ring if we go by what’s in the movie, it makes sense in the book though.


OK, what didn't the movie explain, then?


Sauron expected a Hobbit to be taken to Isengard and Saruman would make him look into the Palantir. Without that it makes no sense at all. Peter Jackson clearly didn’t respect the source material


And to be honest, I don't really care much for the source material. The prose is OK, but when I read it once, back after the FOTR movie came out, I generally tended to skip, for example, over the large number of "musical numbers" featured. I can't stand poetry at the best of times, and those were REALLY cheesy.


But troll sat alone on a seat of stone and munched and mumbled a bare old bone. For many a year he had gnawed it near for meat was hard to come by, dum by, gum by.

Whatdya say now?
