Should they reboot this?
And do a version that is actually respectful to the source material?
shareThe original discussion was whether you could prove you made an edit of Pulp Fiction. I said you make this edit in 3 parts and prove you made it. You agreed to that stipulation, then hilariously failed to deliver. Dude you had it man all you had to do was follow through. I can prove by our previous posts that you agreed to that stipulation.
No I was talking about every single nomination. I was also talking about just in general. I factor in imdb, box office, RT, MC, and Oscar nominations. City of God did exceptional in imdb, RT MC and received best adapted screenplay nomination. So it debunks your claim about 2003 having no good films.
I did provide an edit of Pulp Fiction into a trilogy, if you had any testicles you'd concede that you were wrong.
No you were talking about Best Picture and it boggles my mind that someone can actually be dumb enough to think City of God was nominated for Best Picture. Buahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Um no you did not. You said you would provide an edit that you yourself edited. That was links from a youtube channel which someone else did. You failed.
No you were talking about Oscars period. It boggles my mind someone can actually be dumb enough to think City of God was not nominated for any Oscar at all. Buahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
I did provide an edit, your definition failed to specify the format it had to be in so therefore I win this round. If you had anything resembling a testicle you'd admit you were wrong.
No we were talking about Best Picture and you said the third segment of LOTR had to compete against City of God, you failed miserably and I still can't fathom that anyone could be stupid enough to make such an idiotic statement but you continue to surprise me. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Nope you failed. If you had a testicle you would admit you lied.
No we were talking about Oscars period. I can't believe you were stupid enough to think it received no nomination.
I can't admit to something I didn't do. I provided an edit of Pulp Fiction consistent with your very own definition of a trilogy. Maybe you should have thought this through a little better.
OMG now you're trying to backpedal, you are so pathetic. I bet the next idiotic thing you're going to try to argue is that Saving Private Ryan won Best Picture of 1998, holy sh!t that is so the kind of moronic comment you'd make LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ROTFFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you are lying again? Wow talk about no guts.
Now you believe Saving Private Ryan won best picture? Wow man dumb seriously.
What??? I said I can't admit to lying because I didn't lie. I provided a Pulp Fiction Trilogy that is consistent with your definition. The fact that your own definition bit you in the ass isn't my problem that's a you problem.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I didn't say that you idiot. I said that was the kind of thing you would argue. Reading comprehension really isn't your strength is it?
You are now lying about the fact that you lied. Pathetic! I asked for an edit which you yourself edited. You agreed to this stipulation and then failed to deliver. Not my fault you were too incompetent or lazy to follow through. You lost this round.
No you believe Saving Private Ryan won best picture. Boy what an idiot!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, what backwards logic did you have to apply here to reach that conclusion? You either need to go back on your meds or you are really reaching.
LOLOLOL, go back and read my post (don't worry I kept it at a 3rd grade reading level so you would understand it), that is very much not what I said.
I have posts we had earlier. Remember you aren't writing in pencil my friend. I have proven you wrong so many tines I've lost count.
I reread it. I can't believe you think that won best picture. I'm still laughing.
Then you're reading comprehension isn't even beyond that of a 3rd grader. I clearly said that was the kind of thing that you would argue, not that I was arguing it. I cannot believe you are this stupid, I had a really bad day today but I gotta say laughing at you is almost making it worth it.
Then you're reading comprehension isn't even beyond that of a 3rd grader. I clearly said that was the kind of thing that you would argue, not that I was arguing it. I cannot believe you are this stupid, I had a really bad day today but I gotta say laughing at you is almost making it worth it.
Lol I’m typing from my phone you moron. A minor grammatical error isn’t anywhere near the ballpark of thinking city of god was nominated for beat picture . Nice deflection attempt however
shareSomeone dumb enough to think Saving Private Ryan won best picture would make an excuse like that.
shareSomeone dumb enough to think I actually said that would make an excuse like that.
shareOh there is no thinking you did lol.
share"I bet the next idiotic thing you're going to try to argue is that Saving Private Ryan won Best Picture of 1998, holy sh!t that is so the kind of moronic comment you'd make LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ROTFFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Are you mentally challenged? I'm being dead serious and if you are I need to know because that would mean I need to lay off you or else I'm a bully.
You lost your right to talk about Oscars after you claimed Saving Private Ryan won best picture.
My comprehension is much better than yours. I at least know how to use grammar correctly. Need I remind you the way you used you're? Yeah enough said. You said you're reading comprehension is not beyond a 3rd grader while ironically insulting yourself. The correct way to say it is your reading comprehension not you're reading comprehension. What an idiot!
You lost your right to talk about anything after you claimed I said that.
Also speaking of reading comprehension: "You lost your right to talk about Oscars after you claiming Saving Private Ryan won best picture." Buahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
It's "You CLAIMED Saving Private Ryan", NOT "You CLAIMING SAVING PRIVATE RYAN". What an idiot.
Um apparently you read it wrong? Think before you try and correct somebody next time LMAO! Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit now is it? Poor Hippo you need to get your head examined my friend.
You lost your right to talk about Oscars after you claimed Saving Private Ryan won best picture.
LOL, nice try with the edit, hahahahahahahaha. You are such a coward.
shareUm nope! Read again my friend. You are done. You lost! It is not my fault you can't read.
shareKeep trying to weasel your way out of this, it ain't gonna work. You are so damn pathetic, first you don't even know proper English and then you try to edit your post hoping I wouldn't notice. I cannot believe you are this stupid.
shareI am not the one who used you're in the wrong context. LMAO!
shareYou are such a coward, LMFAO. You don't even know how to properly use the past tense then when you get called out on it you research it on google and then edit your post thinking no one will ever notice. Damn you suck kid.
shareNah I owned you. Now stay silent and get an education.
shareLol you demonstrated that you don’t even know proper grammar and now you’re trying to backpedal. Not only are you uneducated but you are a coward and I respect neither
shareNo proof of that. I quoted you proving you wrong.
shareNo sh!t you edited your post you moron, LOLOLOLOLOLOL
shareNope try again.
shareNope try again.
shareThe sounds of the crickets speak volumes. Hungry Hungry Hippo has emerged victorious!!!
shareNah I have just been tired. I owned this debate. So next topic is TDKR considered the best third entry by objective data?
shareLOL you got absolutely destroyed. You edited your posts, you couldn't demonstrate why my Pulp Fiction Trilogy didn't meet your definition and you couldn't defend the legitimate complaints I put forth about LOTR. You're pathetic in every sense of the word.
"I bet the next idiotic thing you're going to try to argue is that Saving Private Ryan won Best Picture of 1998, holy sh!t that is so the kind of moronic comment you'd make LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ROTFFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
shareShouldn't the mods put a stop to this?
shareThis site doesn't seem to be actively moderated. If you think a post is objectionable, you should click the "report" link, then they will see it.
shareI must apologize for moviefanatic, he will hunt me down no matter where I post and automatically say the opposite of whatever I say, it's very immature on his part.
shareNo I just know how to debunk your arguments. It is rather easy.
shareIt's a sociological experiment at this point.