Should they reboot this?

And do a version that is actually respectful to the source material?


Nice try your original point was that I knew nothing about inflation. I proved that notion wrong so you are attempting to change the basis of your argument.

When I said LOTR ROTK made more money it was true even when adjusting for inflation. So you have no point here. Had I said that LOTR made money than Jaws you would have a point. I did not therefore you lost here also.


If you had said adjusted for inflation LOTR did better at the box office I might believe you but you didn't. Also OFOTCN won 5/5 major academy awards, one segment of LOTR won two and when you divided that by 3 you get .6666. 5 - .66666 is an absolute ass rape.


Oscars are one category now aren't they? So when factoring in imdb, MC and box office it is an absolute ass rape. I do not need to say that every time I post about box office. Also I proved you wrong about me not knowing what inflation was before you mentioned it. Own up to it. It does not change the fact that LOTR ROTK made more money at the box office.


You are the one who didn't think any inflation occurred between 1975 and 2001, I have every reason to not take you seriously. And winning the 5 major Oscars overrides IMDB, MC and Box Office, only 3 films in the history of cinema have ever achieved that. Suck on it, LOTR didn't even come close.


Nope I knew inflation occurred since then. Oh so now Oscars mean more than imdb, RT and box office. Then why wasn't that the case when it came to TDKR?

TDKR won no Oscars and never even nominated for a damn thing. So since that is the case you willing to concede Forrest Gump is better than TDKR?

Here is the funny thing it does not even bother me that OFOTCN beats it in Oscars as I love that film also. I just know that LOTR is considered better by the majority.


How many times do I have to tell you this discussion isn't about The Dark Knight. Are you off your ADHD meds?

Obviously OFOTCN is NOT considered better by the majority or else it would have been higher on the list that YOU cited. Owned like a bitch you are!


The majority is measured by what the majority correct? Which site has the most people available to vote? That is imdb and it is higher rated on imdb than OFOTCN. Owned!


Nope you don't like IMDB, you put more stock into what film critics say and according to you they like Cuckoo's Nest better. Owned!


Um also no on MC which has critics on it it has LOTR rated higher. On RT the top critics rated LOTR higher also. So um wow fail again dude.


Again OFOTCN ass raped LOTR at the Oscars which according to you meant the most, at least it did when you were trying to prop up LOTR. Hypocrite????


Also the fact that it won all 5 major Oscars it overrides IMDB in this case.


The majority implies the most people. Imdb has more people on it than the academy does. So it goes with what I was saying. According to the majority LOTR is the better film.


Until you demonstrate that IMDB equates to "cultural impact" you have nothing.


Is imdb part of culture or not?


Considering you can’t even define cultural impact or explain how you determine it I don’t know how I’m supposed to answer that

Now answer my question are they both trilogies or neither?


No answer got it. I proved my point.


You can't even define cultural impact so how am I supposed to answer your question??? You can't even find an objective, quantifiable definition, you're just making stuff up.


I proved my case. Is imdb part of culture or not? Until you answer that this point is done.


Until you define what cultural impact is anything else you say is pointless. If you can't even define your argument then how am I supposed to respond? Sounds like you didn't think this through very well.


And case closed. I won imdb is apart of culture which proves my point. Box office is as well. So I won thanks.


Where is your evidence that it's a part of cultural impact? Where is your definition of cultural impact that says IMDB??? Post that and then we'll talk. You might be able to just make things up and win debates in your kindergarten class but in the real world that isn't going to work with me, I actually demand evidence.


Also I am not entertaining any more of your deflection until you answer the following:

Which is true?
A) BOTH LOTR and Pulp Fiction are trilogies


B) NEITHER LOTR or Pulp Fiction are trilogies.

There are no other options now according to your own definition, which is it?


You never proved your point about Pulp Fiction. You said you would release it in a 3 segment part. All you did was showcase small segments of the films posted by somebody on youtube. You did not even edit it yourself pathetic.

Yep LOTR is a trilogy according to the dictionary.


No you said I had to post the three segments which I did. Your definition said nothing about being released to the public. Now answer the question are they both trilogies or neither?


I also said it had to be your edit. That is not your edit nice try. Also it is not a 3 segment thing. Too bad man.


Stop making stuff up and stop moving the goal post. Your definition said nothing about it having to be my edit. Was LOTR your edit??? Didn't think so. Although by your logic you just admitted LOTR isn't a trilogy so thank you.


Yes I did. I said I did not believe you made an edit of Pulp Fiction like you claimed. I gave you the chance to prove it you still have not. LOTR was released in 3 parts. So I did not need to edit it lol. Nope LOTR is still a trilogy according to the dictionary definition. Tolkien has no authority over the English language sorry.


My exact quote.

Nope you need to prove it or else I will not believe you. I gave you the stipulation. You know what needs to happen.

Once you prove you made your Pulp Fiction I will further expand on my objective measurements.

Key word their your! I gave you the chance to prove you made your own edit you failed. This round goes to me.


Sorry your definition says nothing about being released to the public. It just says three related things and I posted 3 related things.


That you edited. You didn't therefore no dice. I said it needed to be your edit of 3 segments you failed. So I won't be humoring anymore Pulp Fiction stuff. I gave you a chance you failed next topic.


Doesn't matter who edited it, I provided 3 related things. Your definition doesn't say anything about who has to edit it. Now answer my question, which of the following is true?

A) BOTH LOTR and Pulp Fiction are trilogies


B) NEITHER LOTR or Pulp Fiction are trilogies

Can't weasel your way out of this one kid.


Nope I said prove to me you edited it. I provided the link already. You didn't therefore too bad.


Whether I did or not is irrelevant, I posted three related things which meets your definition. You didn’t edit LOTR so it shouldn’t matter, I gotta say I get off on watching you grasp at straws, it’s quite amusing


Nope it is relevant. You lost this point next point. You lie about something it negates your point. I provided the stipulations. You failed to meet them.


I provided a pulp fiction trilogy that meets the requirements of your definition. Your definition never specified what format it had to be in. Now are they both trilogies or are neither?


Nope you didn't make it. That was the requirement i said that earlier on. I proved that i did. Yep LOTR is a trilogy I am not backing down on that. You however failed dude. I gave you a chance.


No one cares about your requirement, you aren't the authority on the English language. According to you the google definition was and I have satisfied the google definition. Don't try to backpedal. This is actually quite typical, when someone such as yourself has been backed into a corner they just start making things up as a way to get themselves out. Not gonna work with me.


Um nope I said originally prove to me you made an edit. You failed to do so. The one backpedaling here is you. Had you done what I asked you could have had it. You blew it. Too bad man. Lotr is a trilogy and you failed to prove YOU edited a trilogy. You simply cited YouTube clips of the film. Not the stipulations I gave you. Sorry man.


Lol unfortunately the definition of a trilogy and the world as a whole doesn’t revolve around what you want. The original Star Wars is a trilogy regardless of who the editor was as was The Godfather. How does who edits it impact the definition of a trilogy? According to your definition what I posted is a trilogy so deal with it kid


Because I gave you the stipulations to prove to me you made a pulp fiction trilogy. You didn't.

Those links you posted were not in 3 segments like you claimed they would be. It was clips of the film. Sorry dude you lost.

Aside from the links not being 3 you didn't edit those. You lost man.


I just proved to you a Pulp Fiction Trilogy. Your definition said nothing about who edited it. Nice try kiddo.


Nope! As I said earlier I said prove to me you made it. You did not. Nice try. Anyhow its good to know it hammered your Batman trilogy. That makes me happy honestly.


Yeah I'm going to have to see a definition of a trilogy that says the person asserting that it's a trilogy had to have edited it. Until then you have lost. This discussion was never about who edited it, the discussion was about whether it could exist and if it could it would constitute a trilogy. But the fact that you are too stupid to keep up doesn't surprise me.


Let's say Richard Francis-Bruce told you that he was the editor and he made a "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy, then you found out it wasn't him and instead it was John Gilbert, would that disqualify Lord of the Rings as a trilogy despite the fact that it met the requirements of your definition????


Um yeah this discussion was about whether I believed you created one. I gave you the chance to prove it you failed to do so. Case closed. Anyway I am not discussing Pulp Fiction anymore. You lost this point, anything else about your failed edit will be dismissed.


Nope sorry we aren't moving on until you answer my question:

Which is true?

A) They are BOTH trilogies

B) Neither are trilogies

The discussion was about whether Pulp Fiction met your criteria for a trilogy and clearly it did. I have all 3 parts on burned DVDs and I asked for your address so I could mail it to you but you ran away like a coward.

You have lost this point, now just be man enough to admit it little boy.


Not continuing. Sorry bud you lost. I gave you the chance to prove it. All you had to do was upload the 3 segments edited by you. Instead you took the lazy way out. You simply gave me youtube clips of the film which were not edited by you. This is your own fault.


Glad you admit defeat, it must be burning you up inside lol.


Not really. Owning you while fun is so easy. Remember when you said I knew nothing about inflation before talking to you and I proved you wrong?


LOL I don't even need this but embarrassing you and making a joke out of you has kind of become a hobby to me.


You are the one that gets embarrassed. Funny thing is you try and argue against the dictionary. How dumb can a person get?


Oh no you're the one arguing over the very definition you cited, but of course you are too stupid to realize the irony of your pathetic excuse of an argument. HAHAHAHAHAHA boy am I enjoying this.


Nope remember this was about you proving you made a trilogy. If it was so easy why didn't you make it?


I did and I posted it. It's also on my DVD and I will gladly mail it to you but you are too scared because you're a coward.


You and I both know that is a blatant lie.


Prove it


You also need to prove that it wasn't me who assembled the Pulp Fiction Trilogy. You got some homework to do son.


They should reboot you. By that I mean that they should kick you once, and then come back and kick you again for good measure!


No, I don't think so. Would love it if the Hobbit was rebooted though.


Burden of proof was on your to prove you made an edit. You did not. You failed this so bad dude just give up while you still have some dignity left.


I already proved I did, I posted it on here, weren't you paying attention? I offered to send you a free DVD set as well but you refused it so I have made my case.

Now answer my question: Are they both trilogies or are neither of them trilogies?


Nope that was not your edit that was a youtube link. You realize I can check the date those were uploaded right? You said it would be in 3 parts. It was not. It was tiny clips of the film. So that was actually 2 lies I caught you in.


Also you are asserting that my trilogy doesn't meet you definition: Prove it.


Nope you failed to prove you edited it. Case closed. By the way since Oscars mean more than imdb that means Jackson is a better film maker than Nolan right?


Prove to me it doesn't meet your definition, that's what the discussion was about from the beginning kid.


You did not prove you made it. That was the whole point. Answer are you going to argue against the dictionary definition? You realize that is dumb right? LOTR is a trilogy according to the dictionary.


Pulp Fiction is a trilogy also according to your definition. And I did prove I made it I posted it a few days ago.

Answer my question: Are they both trilogies or neither?


Dictionary does not lie. Does Tolkien have authority over the English language?


I know, according to the dictionary Pulp Ficiton is a trilogy.

Now are they both trilogies or neither?


So therefore you just admitted LOTR is a trilogy. Thank you and it ass rapes your Batman trilogy good to know thanks.


Now are they both trilogies or neither? Thank you for admitting LOTR is not a trilogy, it's just one film and The Dark Knight franchise ass rapes the Middle Earth franchise.


LOTR is a trilogy and it ass rapes The Dark Knight trilogy. It made the afi list TDK did not, It also won more Oscars as well. If you say LOTR is not a trilogy you are contradicting the dictionary. Surely you wouldn't be that ignorant would you?


According to the data: LOTR wins at the Oscars, The Dark Knight (2008) wins at the box office (you have to average the 3 pieces of LOTR to be fair), The Dark Knight (2008) wins on RT but LOTR on MC so we'll call that round a draw

The Dark Knight Rises DESTROYS The Hobbit

Batman Begins DESTROYS the animated Middle Earth films

The score is:
- The Dark Knight: 3
- Middle Earth: 1


Ha nice try nope. Here is how it goes officially.

LOTR Fellowship of the Ring vs Batman Begins.

box office LOTRFOTHR


LOTR The Two Towers vs The Dark Knight

Oscars TDK it is a tie in terms of amount but TDK did achieve an acting award so it wins in this case.
box office TDK

Winner TDK

LOTR Return of the King vs TDKR

box office LOTRROFTK


LOTR won 2 out of three so LOTR is better. Talk about an ass rape! At least Two Towers put up 1 round against TDK. Batman Begins and TDKR did not even get a round against what they were going against. Damn talk about an ass rape!


Naw you can't do that, you just split one film that was decently received into 3 parts, it doesn't work that way. LOTR (all 3 segments count as one just like according to you all 3 Pulp Fiction segments cound as one) goes up against TDK (2008) while The Hobbit goes up against The Dark Knight Rises.


Nice try. Does not work that way. Tell me did imdb, RT, and MC screw up? Why did all three of those sites rate it individually? The top 250 of imdb has three slots that are filled with LOTR films. Are my eyes deceiving me? Is the dictionary also wrong? Man sounds to me like someone can't accept facts.

According to you Jackson is a better director than Nolan also right. Remember you claimed Oscars meant more than imdb. As it stands Jackson has 3 Oscars Nolan has 0. Wow Jackson owned Nolan there didn't he?


Your definition doesn't mention IMDB, RT or MC so that point is debunked.

None of Jackson's movies won the Big 5 so that point is debunked also.

Nolan owns Jackson, Jackson is a one hit wonder at best.


Which of Nolan's films ever won best picture? Which ever won best director? Those are two big awards which Jackson collected. Therefore Jackson>>>Nolan.

The dictionary definition is the one I use. You arguing against the dictionary?


Do you know what the big 5 are? (Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, Screenplay)

Only 3 films have ever won all of those:

- It Happened One Night
- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
- Silence of the Lambs

Jackson didn't direct any of them, you lose this round.


One of his films won 2 of those 5 What is your point? Did Nolan direct any of those? Nope.

Nolan's films has never won any of them so I guess that makes him worse than Jackson. At least Jackson collected 2 out of the 5 unlike Nolan.


I pointed out that OFOTCN won all 5 Oscars, none of Jackson's films ever did that, OFOTCN deserved a bonus because it's one of three films to ever do that, none of Jackson films deserve the bonus.

You have no point, you lose.


Did any Nolan films ever win any of the top 5? Nope therefore Jackson win. Thanks for another victory.


Nolan destroys Jackson in other areas. He has more films in the IMDB top 250. Also Jackson doesn't get that many points for his Oscar because he never won the Big 5 or his film didn't. Nice try though.

Thanks again for another victory.


Oscars overwrite imdb remember? Nolan never has not done that either, what is your point? In fact Jackson has 2 of the big 5 Nolan has a big fat 0. You are shooting yourself in the foot here.


I only gave OFOTCN a huge bump because it is one of only 3 films to ever win the Big 5, LOTR didn't even come close so no it doesn't deserve the bonus.


So in other words you pick and choose when Oscars matter lol. I go off Oscars period. Jackson has 3 Nolan has 0 suck on it. You are admitting Jackson is better he at least got 2 out of the 5. Nolan got none. So by that logic I guess Jackson is better than Nolan thanks for that.


Jackson never directed a film to the big five so therefore he doesn’t get a bonus by my criteria and no one cares about your criteria , by the way i do agree with you that both OFOTCN and TDK absolutely destroy middle earth


Key word by your criteria. I am going off of the majority's criteria. As it stands Jackson has 3 Nolan has 0. TDK does not beat LOTR ROTK. LOTR ROTK beats it in Oscars, box office, RT, MC, only area it won was imdb. Since it won at the Oscars that overwrites imdb your own words remember. So out of the 5 rounds it won 4. The LOTR trilogy destroys TDK trilogy .


LOTR does not get a bonus because it didn't win the Big 5, only Silence of the Lambs, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and It Happened One Night do because they did something legendary which was win all 5 major academy awards which is not an easy accomplishment. Plenty of films win Best Picture and Best Director although LOTR ROTK wasn't a full film so I guess you'd have to divide the number of Oscars by 3.

And that's a laugh that you would try to discredit my criteria considering you've just been making up whatever rules you've wanted to, LOL. You aren't going by the majority, you're just twisting whatever you have to to get the conclusion you want. You're such a joke.


Since plenty of films won it and it was so easy why didn't any of the Dark Knight films win it? Let alone be nominated for it?

Second nope I am going off Oscars which you claimed holds more weight than imdb. Since that is the case that means LOTR trilogy>>>TDK trilogy.


Never did I say that the Oscars held the most weight, I don't appreciate you putting words in my mouth. However IHON, OFOTCN and SOTL deserve a bonus because they achieved something that has only been done 3 times. That is my criteria, deal with it.


Um yes you did. Anyhow my criteria is that Oscars mean something. Which puts LOTR trilogy above TDK trilogy since it won way more Oscars than that trash trilogy did. LOTR trilogy won 17 Oscars TDK trilogy only won two. LOTR won 2 of the big 5 where as TDK trilogy did even get nominated for any of the big 5. Talk about an ass rape!


Winning just Best Picture and Best Director doesn't secure your place in history because if a film wins Best Picture most of the time it is going to win Best Director as well (yes I know there are exceptions), however don't forget that only 1/3 of LOTR even won that award so it's not as impressive as you are making it out to be and let's just be real, 2003 was a sh!t year, freaking Seabiscuit was nominated while on the other hand in 1975 OFOTCN not only won all 5 Major Oscars (something that has only been done 3 times in the history of cinema) but it actually had to defeat some real competition, several of the films it beat have still stood the test of time and are still cultural phenomenons such as Jaws, Dog Day Afternoon and Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon. 1975 was a very competitive year while in 2003 a film only had to be mediocre at best to be nominated.


Also IF LOTR were a trilogy then this would be an appropriate mash up:

LOTR: TFOTR vs. Pulp Fiction: Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace's Wife. Pulp Fiction Wins
LORT: TTT vs. Pulp Fiction: The Gold Watch. Pulp Fiction wins
LOTR: ROTK vs. Pulp Fiction: The Bonnie Situation. LOTR wins

Pulp Fiction: 2


Tell me are you arguing against the dictionary? Honestly you act is if I care. Pulp Fiction is a film I love. So someone putting it above LOTR does not bother me one iota. I like LOTR more but meh close enough.


Naw I'm going by your definition and logic, you are the one arguing against your own definition doofus.


Which is the dictionary definition. So we agree LOTR is a trilogy which means it ass rapes TDK trilogy. Glad we can agree on that. See you are learning.


So then you admit that Pulp Fiction is a trilogy?


Also whats silly about this is you have no objective data to measure it anyway. You are giving it the edge sorely based on your opinion. When I am putting LOTR trilogy against TDK I am spitting out objective data. My opinion is not even factored in.


Actually you are twisting facts around (like counting LOTR as a trilogy) because you want to make it seem closer than it really is, in reality The Dark Knight DESTROYS Middle Earth.


Nope I'm going off what the dictionary says. You are the one trying to discredit the dictionary not me.


I'm going off the dictionary as well, according to the dictionary Pulp Fiction is a trilogy, now if you want to disregard that definition and admit LOTR isn't I'll be happy to admit that Pulp Fiction isn't. However the way things stand either they are BOTH trilogies or NEITHER is.


You did not make Pulp Fiction a trilogy though. You attempted to say you did and lied. Even if I were to grant it when you didn't make it guess what? LOTR ass rapes TDK trilogy still.


I did make a Pulp Fiction trilogy by your standards and even if I didn't it would still meet the requirements of your definition. And no TDK trilogy ass rapes the Middle Earth franchise, I'll concede that TDK (2008) is about even with LOTR (2001 - 2003) but TDKR and BB absolutely destroy the other Middle Earth entries. Also your definition said nothing about who had to edit it so that point is debunked.


Um nope I stated it had to be you that proved you made a trilogy. You failed to do so. Even if I grant you that it makes LOTR still three individual entries which means it beats TDK trilogy by leaps and bounds.


By your own requirements I made a pulp fiction trilogy , whether it’s in the format you wanted is irrelevant, I sufficiently proved that it exists and even if it didn’t that wouldn’t take away from the fact that pulp fiction narratively wise is just as much a trilogy as Lotr although I don’t personally consider either of them trilogies unlike the dark knight , and the dark knight absolutely destroys middle earth that is an indisputable fact and I’m sorry your whole google definition requirement argument blew up in your stupid face but that’s a you problem not a me problem


Sorry bud I gave you the requirements necessary, You failed and now you are trying to backpedal. Here is the funny thing now the ball is in your court. So if that Pulp Fiction is a trilogy which you did not make but lets play along, if that is true it then LOTR is still a trilogy. If it is a trilogy since you want to say Pulp Fiction is that means it still beats your Dark Knight trilogy. So which is it? Can not have it both ways. Even if I grant you this you lose. Face it The Dark Knight trilogy got shat on and nothing you can do will change that.


Sorry bud but I met your requirements, you're now trying to move the goalpost because you know you've been owned.

So are you admitting that Pulp Fiction is a trilogy???


You realize you are making LOTR a trilogy as well right lol? No matter what you do you can't discredit that. And with that it owned your lame trilogy.


Are you admitting that Pulp Fiction is a trilogy?


If I did would that make LOTR a trilogy? The funny thing is either way it's a trilogy. You shot yourself in the foot. You didn't make a trilogy like you claimed. You got caught in a lie now own up to it.


Are you admitting that Pulp Fiction is a trilogy yes or no? Yeah you're a coward, won't even own up to the mess you've gotten yourself into. I have an answer to your question but you're not going to get it until you've answer the question that you have dodged and deflected away from repeatedly.


I won't answer unless you do. Annoying when someone side steps things huh?


I also did prove that I edited it, I posted it you moron.


Um you realize I can check the dates it was uploaded correct? You realize I can message the user on youtube to see if it was you correct? You realize I could have done this already just to keep tabs on you correct? Do not dig yourself a hole dude trust me, quit while you're ahead.


I arranged and separated them in the correct order, that is editing.

Now answer my question: Are they both trilogies or neither?


LOTR is a trilogy. I will not back down on that. We both know why you do not want it to be. It is because your lame Batman trilogy can't compete with it. Honestly I would have more respect for you if you were just honest.


Are they both trilogies or neither??? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.


LOTR is the best trilogy ever I agree.


Are they both trilogies or neither? According to your definition there are no other options.




Again it does not matter if 1/3 won that award. TDK trilogy did not win that award let alone get nominated for it. So TDK trilogy is 0/3 in that regard. Simple math 1/3 is better than 0/3.

Second in LOTR ROTK's case it most definitely secures it's spot in history. There are two things it achieved that were huge. It was the first fantasy film to ever win best picture, and two it was the first sequel since The Godfather part 2 to win the best picture award. How long did that take to achieve that again?

Also no competition? City of God says hello. It is number 22 on the top 250 of imdb. Therefore any notion of it being a film that faded into obscurity is totally out of the question. So no you are totally wrong about LOTR ROTK having no competition.


Again you are comparing films from 2 different years, you can't do that because the competition is not even. Also funny you should mention LOTR being a fantasy film because I haven't seen too many superhero films get nominated for anything other than technical awards (Ledger being the obvious exception)

Secondly I don't really award that many points for Oscars unless it wins the Big 5 and then it gets a huge bonus. Did any LOTR segment win the Big Five??? No, didn't think so kid.

OMG are you really this stupid??? City of God wasn't nominated, the 3rd LOTR segment had to compete against Master and Commander (joke), Lost in Translation (nothing impressive), Mystic River (blah), and Seabis- (buahahahahahahahahahahahaha), I'm sorry I can't even finish that sentence. OFOTCN on the other hand had to compete against films that have secured a spot in cinematic history and are still cultural phenomenons and Cuckoo's Nest beat all of them and became one of three films to win all of the Big 5.

How can I take you seriously right now? You think City of God was nominated for Best Picture, you are a complete joke.


I am comparing the trilogies on their accomplishments. LOTR won 17 Oscars TDK trilogy won 2.

Then the only way you give the Oscars merit is if they won the big 5. Which that narrows it down to three. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, It Happened One Night and Silence of the Lambs. Did TDK trilogy win let alone get nominated for any of the big 5? Did not think so. LOTR at least got nominated and won 2 of the 5 big awards. The funny thing is though even if you discredit Oscars LOTR still beats TDK trilogy. LOTR FOTK ranks higher than BB, TDK ranks higher than LOTR TTT, LOTR ROTK ranks higher than TDKR. Therefore LOTR won 2/3 rounds. Sorry man any way you cut it LOTR comes out on top.

It does not matter if it was nominated it was in the running to get nominated since it did get an Oscar nomination. Guess what the Oscar it got nominated for was collected by LOTR ROTK.

I do not know why you are dismissing Master and Commander, Lost in Translation and Mystic River. All have terrific RT and MC scores. So yeah they are remembered sorry.


Again you haven't demonstrated that LOTR is a trilogy and you are never going to be even close to demonstrating that until you admit Pulp Fiction is a trilogy. The way things stand now LOTR is about on the same level of TDK (2008) while TDKR and BB absolutely ass rape the other Middle Earth entries.

That is my criteria, deal with it, a film gets a huge bonus if it wins the Big 5 because that is an incredibly difficult accomplishment especially in a very competitive year such as 1975. TDK trilogy excels in other areas and superhero films have never been widely recognized by the academy so that doesn't bother me one bit.

No you thought it got nominated, even if you didn't you still shot yourself in the foot because now you'd have to concede that f-cking Seabiscuit is better than City of God. Let me say that again: F-cking Seabiscuit.

None of those films are exactly impressive especially Master and Commander, (and I'll reemphasize: f-cking Seabiscuit) face it 2003 was a very weak year unlike 1994 and 1975.


I am going off the dictionary definition, so yes I did demonstrate that it was. Also I am going off the fact that your precious imdb ranks them individually. RT, MC and imdb rank them individually. Also it fits the definition in the dictionary. That trumps anything you are going to say sorry man can't argue against the dictionary definition.

Neither are fantasy films. Which is why it being the first fantasy film to win best picture was a huge accomplishment.

No I did not think it got nominated. I was proving to you that 2003 was not a weak year for films. Where did I say Oscars meant a film was better by default? I take everything into account. I take, RT, MC, imdb, box office and Oscars into account. Guess what with all that taken into account LOTR comes out the winner.

No those films were terrific as evident by their scores on RT, and MC. Sorry bud no dice here.


Your dictionary definition also says Pulp Fiction is a trilogy so I am not taking you seriously until you concede that I was right.

It's not an accomplishment at all, first of all its only 1/3 of a film secondly fantasy films have been nominated in the past (Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, ET, Beauty and The Beast, etc.) Superhero films rarely get any nominations other than technical nominations.

Yes you so thought it was nominated before I corrected you, you are a complete joke and you've been officially busted for not knowing what you're talking about. I take those things into account as well but also recognize that if a film wins all 5 Major Awards it deserves a huge bonus that other films don't deserve.

Again: F-cking Seabiscuit, 2003 was clearly a joke year. Also City of God is obviously a bad film by your standards.


You never proved you made that therefore I am not granting you that. If you had edited it like you claimed I would have but you did not. Therefore I am revoking that point.

Um yes it is an accomplishment. Did any of those films win that award? Nope LOTR ROTK did. Black Panther broke that mold. It did something TDK trilogy could not in just one film lol.

No I did not. I proved to you that 2003 was not a bad year for films like you claimed. Never did I claim that was nominated for best picture. Since it was in the running it did have a chance to score that nomination though and it did not. It is also a great film as evident by how fondly it is remembered by the majority.

City of God scored great on imdb, RT, and MC so um no by my standards it is a great film. Also Lost in Translation, Mystic River and Master and Commander were terrific also.


I did prove it, based on your definition Pulp Fiction is a trilogy, we can't go forward until you concede that I was right the entire time.

It's not an accomplishment, fantasy films get nominated all the time and 2003 was not a very competitive year unlike 1994 or 1975. Basically there was no one else to give the Oscar to so they went with the best of what was left.

City of God wasn't nominated so by your own standards it must be a bad film. I'll also reemphasize: f-cking Seabiscuit, hahahahahahahahahahahaha. It's pathetic when you consider that piece of garbage to be actual competition.


Revoked. The fact that you said I can prove I made an edit and then failed to do so disqualifies this point. All you had to do was make an edit and prove it and you would have been able to be right. Unfortunately you failed sorry. Any further comment about Pulp Fiction will not be acknowledged by me. I humored you now it is time to be a big boy and move on.

Again Master and Commander, Mystic River, Lost in Translation and City of God were great films. So yes it did have competition. Seabiscuit was not the only film released that year.

It was nominated for an Oscar though now wasn't it? Also did I not say imdb, RT and MC hold merit? I did you just want to sidestep what I said. I like how you dismiss City of God which by the way is better than TDKR. It ranked higher on imdb, RT, MC and won at the Oscars since it achieved a nomination where as TDKR achieved none. Only area TDKR won was box office. So out of the 4 rounds City of God won 4 that ladies and gents is an ass rape!


I did make a Pulp Fiction trilogy, you never specified nor did your definition specify what format it had to be in. Next time think things through a little better kid. Also whether I edited it or not is irrelevant, your definition said nothing about who has to edit it. We cannot go forward until you concede that I was right about Pulp Fiction.

I saw all 3 of them and they weren't good, definitely not on the level of any of the films nominated in 1975, and again f-cking Seabiscuit, LOL. 2003 was a bad year, there was no one else to give the Oscar to.

You knew what I meant, it wasn't nominated for Best Picture (never thought I'd have to specify but with you anything is possible) so by your own logic it's not a good film and yeah you actually thought it was nominated for Best Picture which is further evidence that no one should ever take you seriously.

At the end of the day the Dark Knight Trilogy absolutely ass rapes Middle Earth, I'll concede that as far as the data goes TDK (2008) and LOTR are about even, but even if I were to give that round to LOTR, TDKR and BB absolutely destroy the other two entries.


I did. I said you needed to make that edit. You failed. You gave me links to clips of the film. It was not in 3 segments like you promised and you did not edit it. Too bad man seriously.

I saw all 3 of them, plus I saw City of God and I found them all to be good. So nope not true.

Nope never did I say you had to be nominated for best picture to be considered a good film. I measure it by objective data which is RT, MC, imdb, box office and Oscars. Try again.

Um nope when we measure LOTR as individual entries like imdb, RT, and the Oscars did it comes out the winner. LOTR wins 2/3 rounds against TDK trilogy. Therefore it won.


And why should I care what you say? I made a trilogy based off the very definition that you said determined what was a trilogy and what wasn't so that should be good enough, that is unless you are so butthurt that you have to keep moving the goal post.

Well according to the Academy that you put so much stock into City of God wasn't even worth a nomination although you clearly think it was nominated which is hilariously stupid on your part.

Nope you used the lack of nomination to discredit TDKR, yet don't want to count the Oscars when you can't spin it to support the conclusion you want.

Nope, TDK (2008) and LOTR for all intents and purposes tied, TDKR and BB buttrape the other Middle Earth entries (and for the 3rd one you can pick any animated film you want, BB still destroys it).


Because you knew what my requirements were. You said you could meet them and failed. You lost.

It got nominated for something though. Something your precious TDKR failed to do.

I used imdb, RT, MC, box office and Oscars as a form of measurement. So nope again fail from you.

Nope according to imdb, RT, MC and Oscars LOTR is a better trilogy. Sorry man I know the truth hurts. LOTR won 2/3. Fair and square. Sorry bud.

Want to know whats funny though I do not even need to use LOTR as a third entry to beat TDKR anymore.

Avengers infinity war is the third Avengers film. It made more money, ranked higher on imdb and was nominated for more Oscars than TDKR was. TDKR ranked higher on RT and MC but out of the 5 rounds Avengers Infinity War won 5. Therefore I guess it is a better third film right? Avengers Endgame also beat that film in data. It won box office, imdb, RT, and MC. Oscars for that have yet to be determined but so far it has won 4/4 rounds measured. So I guess TDKR is overrated after all huh?


I don't care about your requirements, I care about the definition that you said was the objective truth. Your requirements don't matter.

You thought it was nominated for Best Picture, you were wrong and it's hilarious that you thought it was. Just more proof you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Funny, TDKR does very well on RT, MC and box office. Fail on your part.

LOTR isn't a trilogy, if you want to make an argument for LOTR being a trilogy the first thing you need to do is admit you were wrong about Pulp Fiction.

Who is talking about the Avengers??? I've never seen it, I don't like Marvel so I don't know what kind of a point you are trying to make here.

Wow I knew you were bad at this but every time I think you've hit rock bottom you keep surprising me.


If my requirements did not matter why did you agree to them? This is where you lost. You told me you would prove you made a fan edit. You! Not link me to some clips online.

No I did not I proved it was in the running to get nominated it simply did not. Thing is that movie is seen as one of the best films of all time. Which proves 2003 was not a bad year for films. In fact City of God beat Jaws, a film you told me is remembered as one of the best ever. Therefore LOTR ROTK had competition it just won.

Where did I say TDKR did bad on RT, MC and box office? I said LOTR simply did better on all of those therefore that is an ass rape. It beat it at every turn.

Does not matter if you have seen it. It means your precious TDKR is no longer considered the best third entry, actually it never was is the funny thing. It got beat by LOTR and Avengers Infinity War. This is not the first time you have lied about not seeing a film though. You tried to lie about never seeing the Matrix and I caught you in it. Another film which ass rapes TDKR.

LOTR is a trilogy by the dictionary definition. Tell me why in the dictionary does it specifically mention LOTR? Is the dictionary wrong? I trust the dictionary over you.


Whether I agree to them or not it shouldn't matter if your dictionary definition is the objective truth. I said I would provide a Pulp Fiction trilogy and I did, unfortunately you are too much of a coward to admit you were wrong. Not that I'm surprised.

Actually you didn't prove it was in the running to be nominated. How do you know it was even considered? And it's still beyond hilarious that you thought it was nominated yet it wasn't, just further proof that you don't know what you're talking about, LOL. Funny you should mention Jaws which was nominated in a very competitive year.

Again LOTR is about tied with TDK (2008), TDKR and BB destroy the other entries in middle Earth so TDK trilogy ends up winning by a long shot.

I did see the first Avenger movie, didn't think it was anything special and I saw the first Iron Man and also didn't think it was anything special. Yeah you're not going to change my mind anytime soon.

Apparently you think the dictionary is wrong because Pulp Fiction meets the dictionary definition of a trilogy. I feel kind of sorry for you that your own argument blew up in your stupid face.............. it passed.


So you admitted I caught you in a lie. I gave you the stipulations you agreed and failed to meet the criteria which you yourself agreed to. I knew you were dumb but wow you keep surprising me.

Any film which gets nominated in the same year has a chance at the same Oscars any other film does. I never said City of God was nominated for best picture, I said it was a great film that is recognized by the majority. It proved LOTR ROTK had competition.

Nope LOTR won the data match up. Since you want to consider Pulp Fiction a trilogy that makes LOTR one as well.

Don't have to change your mind the fact is Avengers Infinity War is better than TDKR by objective data.

Where did I deny that it met the criteria? I said my criteria it does not meet. I did not deny it met the dictionary's criteria lol I just am not giving you that one because you lied about you making your own personal edit. Thing is lets say I grant you this it still means LOTR is a trilogy and it ass rapes TDK trilogy. Therefore go ahead consider that a trilogy it does not mean TDK trilogy wins it still loses. LOTR already was a trilogy but you refused to acknowledge that but now you just cemented further it being one so thank you.


You didn't catch me in a lie I posted a Pulp Fiction trilogy within the description of your definition, the fact that its not in the format you wanted is your own damn problem.

You definitely thought City of God got nominated you dumbass. LOL watching you make an ass of yourself is such a rewarding experience for me.

Strawman, I never said LOTR was a trilogy and if you want to make an argument for LOTR being a trilogy then you'd have to concede that Pulp Fiction is. Admit you were wrong about Pulp Fiction and then we'll talk. Until then I have beaten you.

Never saw Avengers Infinity War, you're beating a dead horse, move onto something else.

And the thing is your criteria doesn't matter, you don't get to just make up the rules as you see fit. My task was to provide you with a Pulp Fiction trilogy consistent with your dictionary definition and I did. The thing is you are too much of a coward to admit you were wrong. I will ask you this again: Do you admit you were wrong about Pulp Fiction not being a trilogy?


Yes I did catch you in a lie. You agreed to my stipulations and then failed to meet them. You were too dumb to have foresight

No I didn't you are simply projecting now. I was showing that 2003 was not a terrible year for films. Nice try though. This is just like when you claimed I did not know about inflation before talking to you and I debunked it by proving I discussed inflation before I talked to you. Lol you are such a joke.

You do not need to say LOTR is a trilogy it is. It fits the dictionary definition of it. It specifically mentions LOTR in the dictionary. What more do you need? I find it lame someone argues against the dictionary.

Just like how you claimed to never see the Matrix huh? Does not matter the point stands TDKR is not the best third entry. The objective data disputes that. I do not even need LOTR ROTK to show that it is not the best third entry. Avengers Infinity War is seen as a better film by the majority.

My criteria does matter when you agreed to it. Had you not agreed you would be right but you did. Your task was to provide a Pulp Fictition edit you made that was in 3 segments. You instead provided links of the film from youtube that were not in 3 segments that someone else made. Since LOTR is measured individually by imdb, RT, MC, Oscars and fits the dictionary definition I will go with that.


Your stipulations (and why anyone should care about your stipulations are beyond me) were to provide a Pulp Fiction Trilogy and I did, it was consistent with your dictionary definition and now you should man up and admit that I was right.

2003 was a terrible year, if Master and Commander and Seabiscuit are being nominated then that's a sign that they are very low on quality material, unlike 1975 where both Dog Day Afternoon and Jaws didn't win Best Picture yet most certainly would have in less competitive years such as 2003.

I am not admitting anything about LOTR until you man up about Pulp Fiction, it meets both your definition and the dictionary definition, I have demonstrated it now admit you were wrong.

I simply don't care about the Avengers, never got into it, never saw it so you are wasting your time with me.

Now unless you are willing to concede that you were wrong about Pulp Fiction I have nothing further to say to you. I proved that Pulp Fiction met your definition of a trilogy (who edited it is irrelevant) now man up and concede that you were wrong. But of course you thought City of God was nominated for Best Picture which is laughably embarrassing on your part so it's been well demonstrated that you don't even know what you're talking about, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Believe me I will be LMAO about this for a long time.


Nope you said you would prove to me you edited it yourself. You said it would be in 3 segments. You failed to do this.

2003 was not a terrible year, Lost in Translation, Master and Commander, Mystic River and City of God were great films.

Once you admit you lied about creating your own fan edit we can continue on.

Does not matter if you have ever seen Avengers Infinity War. The fact is it is a better film than TDKR. So is the Matrix.

Admit you lied about creating your own edit then we will proceed. Until then you get nothing from me.


Are you going to admit you were wrong about Pulp Fiction yes or no?


You going to admit you lied about creating an edit yes or no?


I did create an edit and I posted it. Now are you going to admit that you were wrong about Pulp Fiction?


Nope not your edit. So you going to admit you lied about that?


I completely agree that I did provide a Pulp Fiction Trilogy consistent with the definition that you cited. Now concede or else I am not entertaining anymore of your nonsense, although I do get a kick out of you making idiotic comments like City of God was nominated for Best Picture, buahahahahahahahahaha


And I concede that LOTR is a trilogy and that I proved you wrong because you agreed to stipulations you failed to abide by. Why did you agree to create your own edit if you were not going to follow through? It was supposed to be edited by you not provide links from a youtube channel. I think you do not know how to edit and that is why you failed to abide by your agreement. Oh well too bad dude.


I totally concede that I did create an edit of a Pulp Fiction trilogy and it was posted in accordance with your stipulations. I also understand that if you had anything resembling a testicle you would admit that you were wrong and that Pulp Fiction is a trilogy under your definitions.

I still cannot believe you thought City of God was nominated for Best Picture, believe me, me and my entire family are laughing at you and this is going to be the family joke for decades to come, hahahahaha.




You didn't edit anything you posted links. It was not in 3 segments and you didn't edit it. You failed.

You have no proof I thought that. Prove it if so. You are projecting just like with inflation.


It is in 3 segments (3 different posts) and the format is irrelevant, I provided a Pulp Fiction Trilogy that met your requirements based off the definition of the dictionary, that is what this entire discussion is about: Whether a Pulp Fiction Trilogy that meets your definition could actually exist and I have proven that it can exist.

Hahahahahahahaha, just read your posts it's beyond obvious you thought City of God was nominated, you can read can't you? Not only are you the joke of the internet but you are now the joke of my house and I am loving it.


"Also no competition? City of God says hello. It is number 22 on the top 250 of imdb."

LOL, it's right there kid. Your own post says hello, hahahahahahahahahaha


You did not edit that. You agreed to stipulations you failed to meet. Had you followed through with what you said I would have granted you a point. Unfortunately you took a lazy way out.

No I said City of God is a great film which showcased 2003 was not a bad year for films. You have no evidence at all of me thinking it got nominated for best picture. When I said competition I was referring to the overall picture. Imdb, RT and MC. I showcased that is considered a great film and it had the chance to be nominated it just was not.

Going off your past though not surprising. You thought I knew nothing about inflation then I proved to you I had talked about it far before you mentioned it and you suddenly went silent. Quit projecting it makes you look even more ignorant than you already are.


You can bitch and moan about minor details (and that is a sure sign you are losing the argument) but at the end of the day whoever edited it does not erase the fact that it is a Pulp Fiction Trilogy consistent with your definition.

You said the 3rd segment of LOTR (ROTK) had to compete with City of God, I can't believe you were dumb enough to believe that. LOL. Keep it up though, my wife and kids really enjoy laughing at you.


Minor details? Yeah nope not when you agreed to stipulations and then failed to follow through. You are not weaseling your way out of this.

I did say that. Guess what City of God has excellent scores on RT, MC and imdb. It also was nominated for best adapted screenplay which LOTR ROTK collected. So it debunks you saying 2003 had no good films now doesn't it?


It is a minor detail because the conversation was about whether Pulp Fiction met the dictionary definition of a trilogy. Your definition had nothing in it about who was supposed to edit it.

Guess what City of God didn't get nominated so therefore the 3rd segment of LOTR (ROTK) didn't have to compete against it. Keep talking though, I love watching you dig your grave deeper.


Oh no it was not. If it was you would have not agreed to the stipulations. You did this to yourself man I am sorry.

If I recall it was nominated for best adapted screenplay wasn't it? Guess what LOTR ROTK was nominated for that same thing therefore yes it did compete against it. Try again. Wow you thought City of God received no nomination at all, wow you are dumb!


Please show me where in your definition it says anything about who edited it. Unless you can provide that this conversation is OVER and I HAVE WON!!! Defeat's a bitch ain't it kid.

We were talking about Best Picture you idiot, LOL not only are you stupid but you are also delusional, keep it up, today was stressful my whole family needs a laugh to wind down after a very hard day. In the words of the Joker: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Could someone be a dear and give me a capsule summary of this extended argument?

I'm not reading nearly 300 posts.


It's a long history we have, he enjoys arguing with me about nothing and I get a kick out of it as well. He doesn't actually believe the things he's saying, he just automatically takes the opposite position of what I say, he's quite immature.




It's a classic "irresistible force vs. immovable object" battle.


Definitely not of interest to non-participants, then.


I don't know, it's kind of fascinating to jump into the middle and see the various tangents that develop from the original argument.
