Which actor did the best at portraying their character?
There were a lot of good ones - Gandalf, Aragorn etc but for me the one who ended up being the closest to what I imagined from the books had to be Samwise.
shareThere were a lot of good ones - Gandalf, Aragorn etc but for me the one who ended up being the closest to what I imagined from the books had to be Samwise.
shareLike you said, there are many to choose from. I thought the Rohan Trio were all great - Bernard Hill as Theoden, Karl Urban as Eomer and Miranda Otto as Eowyn.
shareI was going to nominate Bernard Hill myself! Overall I think the casting and acting in these films is damn good, although of course I have all sorts of niggling book-fan-film-geek nitpicks.
I have no nitpicks with Hill's performance, and I thought he brought more to the character than was there in the script. That's what really good actors do.
You're right. His performance made Theoden my favorite character.
shareI liked the ring. I don't know if the ring used a stunt double in the fire place scene but even if it doesn't do it's own stunts, it did a great job. I think the carved part was make up. I don't believe ring got tattooed just for the movie. I think that's just his PR agent.
shareHahaha! Nice one.
shareThe King of the Dead. Provable by the fact that nobody has ever complained about him. :)
shareSamwise // Sean Astin.
shareTheoden and Sam were spot on with how they were in my head. Gandolf was real close, too.