Elijah Wood's Adult Persona
This might be slightly off-topic, but I've observed something in the past fifteen years or so (since the Fellowship of the Ring premiered) regarding Elijah Wood's public persona and acting style (or the characters he has played) as an adult vs. when he was a child.
From a seemingly extroverted, precocious kid (think of his loud and cheerful, rambunctious, self-confident characters in Huck Finn, Oliver Twist, The War, etc.), he seemed to have transformed into a rather shy, reserved and introverted older teenager and adult (perhaps as far back as 1997 when he came out in the Ice Storm). His character in Lord of the Rings was gentle and quiet, but so were those in the subsequent Eternal Sunshine, Everything is Illuminated, Green Street Elite, etc.
I don't know him personally, of course. I'm just basing this observation off these quieter characters and the few interviews I've seen him in. Even when laughing, joking or being effusive with talk show hosts, he has seemed much more reserved as an adult than when he was 10 or 12 years old.
I'm not criticizing or condemning this shift, either; many people change as they grow older (which can often be a good thing). I still like his acting and public persona very much (he seems like a considerate and well-mannered person). I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed this, agrees or disagrees and/or has any thoughts regarding as to why it might be.