Better than the Sequel

I seriously think this game kicks it's sequel's buttox. Don't get me wrong, I liked Baldur's Gate II, but it was missing something (by my standards, anyway). Now I bet you BGII hardcore fans are like "WTF iz wr0ng w*th lerb? W@t the heck R h|z 5t@nd@rd5?". Well my comrades, I shall list them...

#1. Complete and total character customization.
#2. Great (not realistic) storyline.
#3. In depth characters and good engine.
#4. No crappy Final Fantasy/Pokecrap combat
#5. Freeroam/do what you want style (Live in the wilderness if you want)
#6. Good Graphics

That is what defined BGI for me: Freeroaming Fun. Also BGII's graphics were kick a$$. So, I want to combine BGI and BGII! Oh, I see, yes, already done... Tutu was made a while back for that specific purpose. Anyway, what I want now is Baldur's Gate III (lol) that has a giant map that you can wander around on for ages.

My point: Baldur's Gate is the "Greatest RPG of All Time", but it gets old after awhile. We need a new game thats even more openended and better.

Comments? Just wanna criticise my idea or my typos cause you have no life? Feel free to do so.




There's some mod somewhere that lets you run Baldur's Gate 1 in the Baldur's Gate 2 engine.

"I broke the chains, so let me be, I've got to be free" - Breaking The Chains, Dokken



indeed they are! although i must say that i was kinda creeped out the first time i tried to complete Durlag's Tower, it just had that dark vibe a bout it :(



lol ugly character dolls. Dude, you are SO right. :D

I like BG2 for the mere fact that you can get ANYONE in your party with the cheat mode, BG1 would always crash when you got an NPC into your party that wasn't supposed to be there. For example, there are no GREAT thieves in BG2, Except Yoshimo, but he... Well, you know.....

So it's good to just get a random shadow thief into your party. Their stats are good, 18 dex, 18 strength, and so forth, and even though they are low-level, you can build them up quite quickly. In BG1, you couldn't do that.

Also, one thing I didn't like about BG1 is how every NPC's stats seemed........lacking....

It's as if they were afraid to make them TOO good, or something. For example, Safana had only 17 dexterity for a thief, and you CAN'T get a mage with 18 intelligence AT ALL, except Edwin, and he is evil. So it's like, why not give them that one extra point, to make them truly excel at their class. Annoying.



Nope, BG2 was a LOT better.

- Much better companions. They actually had a life on their own.
- Much less "open space" where you had to run around
- The best magic system ever. For once, mages where opponents you had to FEAR.
- Romances.
- Many nice details added.
- No completely insane fights like the one against Sarevok at the end of BG1.
- OTOH many good hard fights.
- Sorcerer class. Man I loved it back then. It was so fun trying to optimize them.




But then you do get less of them.
Meh, I dont think thats much of a loss at all.

I would rather have a decent collection of NPCs with personality and subquests and romances and friendship interactions to other NPCs (well BG2 didnt had all of this but a lot) than a large collection of people.

Most of which I would get to so late that the only way to reasonably use them is to use a character editor to fix them up, especially to give them more xp.


