...the music in the end credits for the movie "Lifeforce!" I am absolutely not joking. The movie was on TV today and I immediately recognized that the music was identical. Too much so to be a coincidence. Very strange!
Unbelievable. I was just about to argue that sometimes composer's subconsciously hear music in the background and then write it themselves thinking that it was their own.
But this. THIS!
Did Michael Hoenig think that because Baldur's Gate was just a game that he could get away with it?
Besides, Baldurs Gate isn't "Just a game" like the ocean isn't "just some water" I was asking whether Michael Hoenig thought that he could get away with it because he viewed Baldur's Gate as 'just a game'.
He did a great job with the rest of the score so I suppose I'll forgive him -assuming that the rest isn't plagiarised ;)
it's not so rare. I remember I heard some parts of the Half Life score in at least two B serie telefilms, plus other video games in other crappy movies, but i forgot in what occasions precisely...
A bit of the Baldur's Gate 'Helm's Temple' track is 'borrowed' in the documentary series 'Seven Ages of Britain'. About 9 seconds into the track, the choir all sing a short motif in unison. This fragment can be heard in various parts of the documentary such as monastery scenes.
its hard to believe that Hoenig, with his pedrigree and histroy of composition, would sabotage his career w/ a single track being lifted from another movie. Its more likely a very, very surprising coincidence. Either subconcious influence, or a deliberate homage to mancini, or something less sinister than copying someone's homework.
I wonder whether it wasn't plagiarism at all but rather a licensed 'cover' of it. Although Michael Hoenig is credited as the composer of the BG soundtrack, it's hard to say which of the pieces used in BG are actually his original compositions. For example, some of the tavern music is apparently taken from the game Descent to Undermountain which came out not long before BG (according to the uploader's comments on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rh1YiLmKwg&feature=related). The BG soundtrack therefore contains original compositions by Hoenig, alongside some stock pieces. It would be nice to know which is which. I wonder whether any of the temple music is stock as well, considering I heard it in a documentary.