rose's speech

why does she talk like that?



In the story her kids were taken away from her because of how she spoke - she was assumed handicapped.


Not true - they were taken away because it was assumed she was incapable of taking care of them as (allegedly) evidenced by the fire that burned their house down. No one´s gonna take your kids away just because you have a stutter.

It´s just that, in fact, they were NOT looked after by Rose on that occasion, but rather her drunken father Alvin who was probably passed out somewhere when he should have been keeping an eye on them.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Having just watched it I can tell you it was said that when the house burned down it was assumed she was to blame BECAUSE of her handicap, "the way she was", and THAT is why they took the kids away or something to that effect. So, we're both right. That said, the way it was put, had she not had the stutter it is IMPLIED that they would not have taken the kids away.


Yes, that´s the way it appears - her speech impediment and certain perceived "slowness" was used as a (false) pretext by the authorities.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


She's clearly not all there. He refers to her mental disability during the movie, just before he tells the story of her kids being taken away.


Yeah that´s what HE says. What we see of her in the film doesn´t really suggest any such thing.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Hmmm not sure. To me she's clearly got some sort of mental disability but I guess it's not that obvious.


Kindly point out where, in which scene(s) her alleged disability manifests.

What I saw was a functional person with a serious stutter; no reason to assume she could not have properly handled the kids

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Haha well I can't do that. But from the minute she came on screen to the last time I saw her there wasn't a second when I didn't consider her to be mentally handicapped.



Having worked with youths and adults with mental health issues and learning difficulties I would suggest (and it's only an opinion of course before I get shot down!) that the film was guiding up to believe that she had aspergers syndrome, a high functioning form of autism. I thought this because of her pedantic recall of dates on the phone to 'Bobby' and her strained emotional responses, as if she was behaving as she was "supposed to" and not in a way natural to herself. I'm not sure how that would affect her speech but I took her stammer to be a symptom of her lack of social skills and confidence, again indicative of someone on the autistic spectrum.


Well, there was that one scene at the grocery story when the checkout lady commented that Rose was having a party, and Rose said she loved parties and asked where it was at, and the lady said she wasn't having a party, but that Rose must be what with all the braunsweiger she was buying, and Rose is confused...

Answer not a troll according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
- Opinions 26:4


when she's on the phone to Alvin, (he want's his pension cheque sent) She forget's to put the phone down and Alvin is laughing because of the drama


She's clearly autistic. She makes birdhouses obsessively, she appears pedantic about small details (phone conversation), she misunderstands the lady in the supermarket about the shopping.

Autism has different forms and degrees. It doesn't necessarily stop you looking after kids or holding down a job. It may well make you appear (very) eccentric or pedantic. They often do not handle pressure or unexpected situations well, so I can imagine that the state may well have found her to be an unsatisfactory mother on the basis of an intervirew. I have 2 family members who are to a degree autistic.It's not always obvious.

Don't know about the specch impediment. Not really a stammer.




As often happens on internet forums the replies become more considered toward the end of a thread.
I too thought she was autistic in behaviour and yes there is a range and degree of autism. She was intelligent and held down a household looking after an old man with mobility problems.
She was socially awkward and the locals knew it and treated her kindly. Being autistic does not mean being stupid. the last few posters here I believe are correct and "what they say", as they say on the internet!


"My daughter Rose — some people call her a little bit slow, but she's not — she's got a mind like a bear trap — for facts. She keeps everything organized around the house. She was a real good mom. She had four kids. One night, somebody else was watching the kids and there was a fire. The second boy got burned real bad. Rose had nothing to do with it, but on account of how Rose is, the State figured she wasn't competent to take care of those kids, and they took 'em away from her. There ain't a day goes by she doesn't pine for those kids."


"... somebody else was watching the kids and... "
He carefully excludes himself from the facts. I too believe he is feeling guilty about this. And about abandoning his brother for a reason deliberately withheld from us as we are expected to assume it is Alvin who is guilty since he is showing humility by making this trip.
I also believe the other older gentleman drinking with him at the bar tuned into this and confessed his own doubts of ability to Alvin.
