Spirit Riding Free

So there's this new Netflix show that's suppose to come out this year called Spirit Riding Free. I was very excited until I looked at the first official image of the show. Spirit isn't Spirit at all! He looks totally different! He is a different color and has a BLAZE!!! The show also looked like it was set in modern times too! Overall, it just looks TERRIBLE! I just have very little hope for this show. I was beyond happy that they are finally continuing Spirit's story, but now I'm afraid that they will ruin the movie that we all know and love. :(

Link to the official image: https://www.google.com/search?q=spirit+riding+free&safe=active&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=638&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjy1ryW36vRAhWJcFAKHQrMBrEQ_AUIBygC&surl=1#imgrc=ajdIkBWMgc235M%3A


So... Is it Spirit's great-grandson or something? Or unrelated?
