What the heck does Jacques say?!?!
Okay it is when the gang first meets Jacques and they are on the ferry. Jacques is telling the story of the pirates hiding in the island and Velma asks "and Morgan Moonscar was one of those pirates?" Jacques responds with " Cumma yeshay, he was da most famous one him." I totally apologize for butchering what he says but I just haven't the slightest as to what he said. Does anyone have any idea what it is that he actually said? I've been dying to know. Correct me if I'm wrong but Jacques is French Cajun yes? Hence his accent? I have a friend who has a French Cajun accent and says things differently. It is my favorite accent ever! Super hot. I digress. So back to the purpose of this post....any idea as to what he says? Answers will be much appreciated :)