MovieChat Forums > Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (1998) Discussion > DEFINATELY NOT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN!


A reviewer on this site said that this movie "should be seen by toddlers on Halloween".

I hope he was just trying to be funny, because SCOOBY-DOO ON ZOMBIE ISLAND is just the stuff for nightmares in very small children.
Especially the climactic scene, where the "souls" of the zombies fly upward, and their bones just collapse in heaps.

Not even with a parent around should children under the age of 6 or 7 see this film.
It's brilliantly made, but gruesome!


I was a little kid when I watched it. Didn´t scare me.

I love classic monsters.


I saw it when I was three or four and I loved it. In my experience kids don't get as scared as parents when watching movies. Example I knew someone who watched the grudge with his seven year old daughter, she laughed at it, and he couldn't sleep for a month.


I was about 8 when I saw it. I remember being a bit scared of the zombies, and the overall dark atmosphere. But when the cat transformations happened, I was truly terrified. That, and the fact that there was voodoo magic that kept most of the gang tied up with their FACES MELTING OFF at one point...

As a kid, I honestly wasn't sure if the gang was going to make it out alive this time. It was a lot of deep, supernatural horror that caught me off guard. The only thing that kept me from losing my mind in fear was seeing Shaggy and Scooby being their goofy selves. Thank goodness!


Ran this for my girl when she was 3 or 4. She loved it and still does. She's 18 now and ordered the DVD from Amazon because she ruined the VHS tape. We're watching it right now. Never gave her nightmares.


I've seen this so many times as a kid, man. And I'm fine. Not emotionally disturbed or anything now.


Banged the babysitter as the kids watched this ... I would think it's ok
