MovieChat Forums > Romeo Must Die (2000) Discussion > Name of song? While jet li's at his bro'...

Name of song? While jet li's at his bro's place

I cant really explain it but it was when his bro died. It was like an asian song. And he was remembering when they were on the ball in the water. And he was looking at pics. Does anyone know the tune or song? please? lol.


I'd also like to know. There was only the soundtrack, but no score, and the soundtrack listing on imdb doesn't seem to reveal anything further. The instrument sounds like the erhu, or a chinese violin. Help?


I think I have a lead, but I need to watch the scene again to hear the song. Does anyone know if there's a clip currently hosted on the net? I checked youtube, but to no avail.


i love that song too. best thing you can do is go through the end of the movie to the credits and it lists all the songs that where used.


I did do that and I'm pretty sure I couldn't find it, however I'll try again just to be sure. The song I thought was it sounds a LOT like it, but exactly the same. I'm 95% certain the instrument used to play the music is the Erhu, or Chinese version of the violin. There's a prominent artist named Jia Peng Fang (you can look him up on CDNOW/Amazon), and he plays a song called 'Silent Moon', parts of which sound quite a bit like the short clip from Romeo Must Die when Han stands over his brother's coffin. I've mostly given up on finding this specific tune, as I'm sure it was chosen because it is moving, but also because it's common sounding enough for East Asian classical. What I have found though is that Jia Peng Fang is terrific, and I enjoy listening to this music -- it's soothing to listen to, and I relax a bit when I hear it. Give it a try, and let me know if I can be of any help.


tasmanguy, thanks for the post. i checked it out on itunes and that is probably the closest you could get to it. i actually just bought that entire album just now off of itunes, i really liked it too.

anyways, thanks for the info :)


My pleasure. I'll probably be a little aggravated every time I see Romeo Must Die because I couldn't locate the tune, but on the bright side, I did discover a genre of music which otherwise I may have never considered.
